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AMD Press Conference at Computex 2015 - AMD Graphics

He definitely says "faster graphics card in the world" .
The question is why would he say that when we all know the TitanX is currently the fastest card in the world.

The Titan-X is not the "fastest Graphics card in the world" its the fastest GPU, the 295x2 is the fastest card, a technicality.

So the question is are they applying the same technicality here? if so we could be looking at a Fury X2, or they are referring to the GPU, which hasn't been launched yet.
He definitely says "faster graphics card in the world" .
The question is why would he say that when we all know the TitanX is currently the fastest card in the world.

That sounds to me like a play on words and I have been in too many meetings to understand that you look around what is said.

"That means we can create a small form factor graphics card that is the fastest in the world"

So it is going up against small form factor GPUs.


Skip to 4m 50 seconds.
I wouldn't say its going against small form factors at all. Rather it is a small form factor graphics cqrd that is fastest in the world.
We can create a small form factor graphics card (which frm leak pics we have seen this) that is the fastest graphics card in the world. Sounds much more plausible
No that's Matt Skynner, Corporate Vice President & General Manager, Products, Client and Graphics Group at AMD.

No wonder it takes them so long to produce anything... the bulk of most meetings must get taken up with the "in attendance" roll :S
Was anyone listening carefully to the video in the OP

They said HBM would show it benefit @2160p

The question that leaves is what if any benefit will there be @1080p or 1440p ?

I guess logic says that the more vram you are using on a scene, the more bandwidth you need to fill and empty it.

So we'll end up with a chip that shows most benefit at 4k, but not too much benefit as it only has 4gb...

It will end up being the best single card for 4k but when you go multicard and up the settings it will fold.
I think this is the biggest tease release ever!!

Look everyone this is the actual chip on the card but we cant tell you anything about it.... but on the 16th we can ! hype hype hype
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