I paid for the pre order deposit on my personal account but since then have opened a business account with caseking. Will it be possible to pay the balance through the business account? Hoping to save a few pennies ;) Cheers!
I joined on July 30th and am currently a mere 12 days shy of '250 posts in 90 days'

Are you able to make an exception and credit the shipping back to me? First time customer and all that :)
I joined on July 30th and am currently a mere 12 days shy of '250 posts in 90 days'

Are you able to make an exception and credit the shipping back to me? First time customer and all that :)

You might be pushed to get it waived but post in the customer service section and you never know. The OCUK staff are great if you ask nicely :)
Now since the 780ti being revealed the question is, the 290x or the 780ti? Guess till both are finally release we wouldn't know the answer to that question.

I'm not a fanboy of either 'camp' as over the past 12 years I've had cards from both nvidia(geforce 3 ti 500, geforce 7900gto and geforce 9800gtx) and ati/amd (9800 pro, 2900 pro, 5850 and 6950), guess it might be time for nvidias turn as my last two have been ati/and(5850 and 6950).

Up to this point I've not gone for what would be considered the top/high end card, always been more mid range. Think might be time to go for a high end one for a change.
Funny that now people are talking about canceling pre-orders in favor of a 780, that i am now considering a pre-order for the 290x (but its sold out :()

Fingers cross for a OCuk fitted block available. :D
im just hoping they have a block available close or on launch but I would doubt it. I dont want a big hoover in my nice quiet machine and dont see the point in running a top range card in quiet mode and not a full power.
Now since the 780ti being revealed the question is, the 290x or the 780ti? Guess till both are finally release we wouldn't know the answer to that question.

I'm not a fanboy of either 'camp' as over the past 12 years I've had cards from both nvidia(geforce 3 ti 500, geforce 7900gto and geforce 9800gtx) and ati/amd (9800 pro, 2900 pro, 5850 and 6950), guess it might be time for nvidias turn as my last two have been ati/and(5850 and 6950).

Up to this point I've not gone for what would be considered the top/high end card, always been more mid range. Think might be time to go for a high end one for a change.
Performance side of things, I would expect the 290X and the 780Ti to be stand shoulder to shoulder, but pricing side of things, I think Nvidia is gonna charge their usual "Nvidia premium"...just look at the pricing of GTX770, and the long period of time that GTX670/GTX680 stood at nearly £100 higher in price than the 7950/7970.
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