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**AMD Radeon 390X Graphics Card WCE**

So let me see, when the watercooler was rumoured everyone went mental and I suggested that maybe, just maybe, there would be more than one edition of the card. Stock cooled and watercooled, then let the user decide what they want. I also said 8GB was more than a possibility. It also says up to 8GB, not just 8GB, this indicates 4 and 8GB versions which implies that there will be 4 stacks and both 1 and 2GB stack densities, again something I suggested was more than possible while others were posting up an irrelevant HBM 2.0 spec and insisting it wasn't possible for a couple of years.

It's almost like a small amount of research, some logical thinking, some comparisons to previous technologies and you can pretty accurately predict and translate what little information is available.

Watercooled card... what was my reasoning? Simple, a higher volume(compared to a 295x2 for instance) lower cost part ONLY having a AIO cooler option was exceedingly unlikely, what is the simplest alternative explanation..... two editions, stock cooler and AIO cooler. This really isn't rocket science.

Same with HBM, just read 2-3 short articles explaining the tech, would take 5 minutes and give you more than enough information to realise why 4 stacks made a large amount of sense again for a higher volume lower cost part. With every other JEDEC spec never, ever has the industry been limited to specs, they are used as a guideline to push everyone forward in the same direction, a minimum spec to achieve in the future. Again simple, never before has any memory maker been limited to ONLY Jedec standards, and 512MB sized chips are being made in GDDR5 since mid last year.

The industry is at the 512MB chips stage and there is no fundamental reason why HBM shouldn't be achieving relative parity in density on the same nodes with the same basic design. It's not GDDR5 but in general simpler due to lack of per die logic required. The ramp in density was a given and should have been quick, I think it will surpass density per chip in the not too distance future as well.
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So let me see, when the watercooler was rumoured everyone went mental and I suggested that maybe, just maybe, there would be more than one edition of the card. Stock cooled and watercooled, then let the user decide what they want. I also said 8GB was more than a possibility. It also says up to 8GB, not just 8GB, this indicates 4 and 8GB versions which implies that there will be 4 stacks and both 1 and 2GB stack densities, again something I suggested was more than possible while others were posting up an irrelevant HBM 2.0 spec and insisting it wasn't possible for a couple of years.

I said all of these things as well mate..

Doesn't mean your a genius, just that like myself you are more of a tech geek than others :D Nothing to be proud of lol.
So let me see, when the watercooler was rumoured everyone went mental and I suggested that maybe, just maybe, there would be more than one edition of the card. Stock cooled and watercooled, then let the user decide what they want. I also said 8GB was more than a possibility. It also says up to 8GB, not just 8GB, this indicates 4 and 8GB versions which implies that there will be 4 stacks and both 1 and 2GB stack densities, again something I suggested was more than possible while others were posting up an irrelevant HBM 2.0 spec and insisting it wasn't possible for a couple of years.

Actually you are the guy would said it would be 4gb because of the technical difficulties with gen 1 HBM.

Stop fudging and backtracking lol.
``special water cooled enthusiast version``.............. ok there's deffo two cards, it looks like a 390 and a 390X, the X looks very exciting.

AMD are now starting to use their brains as i said they would, they're leaking info before the TITAN X launch......expect to see more monday.

very clever, well done AMD..

it was me that said it would be 8GB and Drunkenmaster the member that criticised me, it was damned obvious it would be 8 GB

FINALLY................it looks quicker than Titan X, just a feeling i have that's all, lets hope it doesn't have a throttle back set at only 75 degrees
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``special enthusiast water cooled edition`` has still got me thinking, what is so special about a mainstream 390X .............This sounds expensive, special enthusiast

radeon 390X WCE............... it's going to be a 390X and a 390XWCE.....................this is either their Titan X or it's 395X2, i think it's their TITAN X.

next week is going to be really exciting !!!
Actually you are the guy would said it would be 4gb because of the technical difficulties with gen 1 HBM.

Stop fudging and backtracking lol.

No, I didn't, at all. I explained why 4 stacks made most sense and I made multiple posts saying I believed 2GB stacks would be available before people were saying so.

even more to the point is how ridiculous your statement/interpretation is, I said it would be 'limited to 4GB because of technical difficultires with Gen 1 HBM' , rubbish. Firstly there are no technical difficulties, second I went to length to explain why HBM 1.0 is a MINIMUM spec not the ONLY spec of memory possible which is why 2GB stacks is completely possible on HBM 1.0 rated chips... thus could easily appear long before HBM 2.0 chips are scheduled, I said this multiple times when almost everyone else insisted nothing more than a 1GB stack could exist in the next couple of years. You literally couldn't be more wrong about what I've been saying.

very clever, well done AMD..

it was me that said it would be 8GB and Drunkenmaster the member that criticised me, it was damned obvious it would be 8 GB

As above no, it wasn't you who first said it would be 8GB and I did not say it wouldn't be. Can people really not comprehend the difference between a conclusion and reasoning for a conclusion. 99% of the reasoning for how and when it would get 8GB has been beyond ridiculous, that it could have 8GB was something I was saying immediately when everyone else was saying it was limited to 4GB.
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I said all of these things as well mate..

Doesn't mean your a genius, just that like myself you are more of a tech geek than others :D Nothing to be proud of lol.

Now down and praise our Lord, our saviour - DM! He predicted future rumours!

Again, I didn't claim to be a genius, I in fact said it was basic reasoning and logical thinking, something everyone should be capable of.

I didn't predict a future rumour, I applied logical reasoning to rumours/pictures that showed up. When people saw a story about a watercooler everyone jumped to the conclusion that it would certainly be too hot and had to use it and it would suck. The extremely simple and easy situation to read is as I said above, a single AIO only cooled card on a relatively high volume part is complete nonsense. A very simple explanation for it is that there would be more than one option for cooling on the card.

People see an article or rumour and immediately jump to a single conclusion, often without applying any reasoning. I don't know how you can see an AIO cooler picture and a rumour stating it's for a 390x and deem it would be the only option, it's completely illogical, nothing more or less.

The same reasoning and critical thinking can be applied to any rumour to determine the possibilities... not fact, but possibilities then determine which are most likely.

LIke the "hey AMD saw a 12GB card and so added 4 stacks of memory", basic logical thinking is gpu's take 8 weeks to make and 6 months to tape out, another 12 months design before that, adding 4GB at the last second is literally impossible.
Anyone remember my theory on the "Coolermaster heatsink" (as per shipping manifest)?

Fullmetal blower. Could still happen, language implies the AIO would be used across the range (4 & 8GB variants) as an option.
If it is true though, then


. 99% of the reasoning for how and when it would get 8GB has been beyond ridiculous, that it could have 8GB was something I was saying immediately when everyone else was saying it was limited to 4GB.

no not ridiculous, it has either always been 8GB or changed recently.... because it looks like on the test bench right now that there's two versions and they've been there for some time

Why we have two 8GB cards is beyond me, but one of these might be for 4K gamers only, a real monster, let's hope so

this is deffo in direct competition with the Titan X and unfortunately probably the same price............the lesser 390X looks like a GTX 980 + 15%, this'll be the cheap one.

the WCE is so damned powerful that it'll need water to cool it, well it's pretty obvious isn't it, after all this is AMD ..........maybe but it's quite exciting
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That slide on the previous page looks like a legit one from AMD to me.

It has some facts on it, it guarantees some specs on the top card at least.

yea that looks legit, AMD are trying to screw up Nvidia's big launch day...it'll work too.

Nvidia have to be careful now, because it looks like AMD are out-flanking them, they will still sell loads of Titan Xs but they have to really watch out .

this could be AMDs year, they could get all the sales from june onwards
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