fallout 4
Intel averages 80fps, amd 50fps, right off the bat 30 seconds in the ryzen is at 50fps whilst the Intel is holding 75+
this is a 4ghz 1700 vs a 4ghz 6700k, so clearly you was the one having issues with your setup.
and this shows how the 1800x even at 4ghz barely manages to equal an i5.
what resolution you playing at with what gpu btw? I'm using a titan Xp at 2ghz (hybrid installed) and 2560x1080 or 3440x1440 (I normally downscale for higher fps)
The benchmarks are from March 2nd and 10th!!!!!!!!!!!
That is ANCIENT. We are 3 months later, the platform had some huge updates in BIOS, Windows and games.
Even last month benchmarks are not reflecting today's performance.