Yea. Your right of course. I need a new monitor. And Freesync panels are much cheaper so that's an ace in AMD's hat.
I'll wait for Vega.
But on another note I see cards like the 1070 as 1080/1200p cards now. Yes seriously, games released in the lased few months and moving forward to achieve 60 fps at 1080/1200p will require 1070 levels of performance.
Just look at ME Andromeda or Wildlands for example.
1070 = 1080/1200p
1080 = 1440p
1080ti = 4k
Honestly though I think you would still be better at mid level card and new monitor, turn down a little of the ultra settings to high to get the faster refresh rate and you will see a much more impressive, smooth, tear free game than you will with everything on ultra at 1200p with the fps sitting at 60 or so.
Also disregard the turd that is Wildlands as any standard to what is needed. That is the worst optimised game to date from my experience with it and why I have avoided it. That and it has nothing to do with what the series once was.
The part that kills performance at Ultra you will not see on the screen you are on about. Moving up to a 21:9 29" 1440p IPS panel would be my option for a mid level card at this time (my personal preference on 21:9 but if you prefer standard ratio then a 27" 1440p would be awesome too). Honestly after spending ages trying to work out what I wanted, I am an eye candy ***** so I will be waiting till next year but right now that is where my money would be.
1070 or similar with a new monitor of similar spec. Games that need that little more grunt, just drop a few options from ultra to high, notice zero difference but see a much nicer picture at more stable frames to stop the tearing etc.