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AMD VEGA confirmed for 2017 H1

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That's how I see it at the moment at least. The fact that Vega was demonstrated in December and almost 5 months later we've seen no performance numbers is also not a good sign IMO (look at how they showed off Ryzen, giving us actual benchmark numbers well before release etc).

Ryzen wasn't shown running any games though, which we now know why, it was only shown running Cinebench, Vega has only been shown running Vulkan, and Dx12, we havn't seen it running what about 99% of games are using, and are still going to use, for quite some time to come, take from that what you will :p
Ryzen wasn't shown running any games though, which we now know why, it was only shown running Cinebench, Vega has only been shown running Vulkan, and Dx12, we havn't seen it running what about 99% of games are using, and are still going to use, for quite some time to come, take from that what you will :p

Well lets use what we already have on the market RX 480 AMD improvement on the DirectX 11 for this GPU line up really has shown great results when you compare the 480 vs 1060

So you would think the improvements made here will carry over onto Vega.
or how about "Vega.. It does exactly what it says on the tin"

That would be better seeing as it comes in a box :)

Didn't AMD let go of most of their Marketing department a few years ago? They must have gotten the recent batch from the local primary school (cheap pay!!) :p

It's sounds like they need to either sack them again or make sure they get there Read Brek in the morning along with a glass of milk at playtime. :)

I guess you have not seen the Walter trailer and website for the movie Alien: Covenant.
An android powered by AMD, Ryzen and Radeon. Deep learning?


I've seen Walter but he is make believe and not powered by Vega therefore not really that relevant as a gpu promotional piece in 2017 when all everyone wants is a bit of info they can seek their teeth into.
But I suppose you can look at the "it's got a brain it's got a soul£ phrase as being about as factual as the Overclockers dream claim with Fiji so at least they're being consistent,
Maybe this is how AMD marketing rolls nowadays, straight off a cliff!
LOL @ this thread. It is like a roller coaster. We only a few days ago went from hype train with Gibbo being very impressed of what he saw in Italy, to it will be lucky to beat 1080 again...

Vega will easily beat 1080. Why would anyone think otherwise with all the evidence available today?

As for people banging on about R&D, well yes that is why Nvidia have had 1080 and Titan X performance out a full 12 months before! What did you expect, that because of Nvidia's R&D AMD will have magically regressed and not mad use of 14nm, HBM2 and all the other new architecture they talked about and will only be delivering a GPU that is 20-30% better than a Fury X after all those years? Geez...

The truth is someone being impressed tells us absolutely nothing, Impressed with what? Performance, the cache ram system? It tells us nothing.

As for evidence, what evidence? I've seen nothing except it being in the ballpark of a 1080 in a Vulcan game where AMD excel and it playing Battlefront where there's to many variable to know how it was really doing.
I want AMD too succeed and giv eus a storming card but so far the lack of info is becoming disconcerting.
At the moment people are all doom and gloom because off the Vega data page on TPU, I think? On there they have it positioned between the 1070 and 1080, But yet again that is lacking context, We don't know if they have more of an idea than us, we don't even know if they are talking about big or little Vega so people haven't got a clue basically, Sitting between a 1070 but closer to the 1080 wouldn't surprise me though.
Well lets use what we already have on the market RX 480 AMD improvement on the DirectX 11 for this GPU line up really has shown great results when you compare the 480 vs 1060

So you would think the improvements made here will carry over onto Vega.

Those improvements were only made though, about 6 months after their release, when they'd already lost the sales, which, was the same for the Furys, took about 8 months or more, to get away from the 980, and up to the Ti, which, was when they'd already lost the sales too, and the sames happened to the Ryzens, they've improved now, after release, but they must have lost a lot of sales on release day also, with most reviews saying, they wern't recommended for gaming, and couldn't beat 5yr old i5s.
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Can I ask if an RX580 clocked at 1500Mhz (as per the RX580 thread) is expected to come quite close to a 1070 with 2304 shaders, how is a Vega with 4096 shaders plus many enhancements, at a similar expected clock, not going to match a 1080?

I've said it before. If Vega can't beat the 1080 by at least 10-15% I will be extremely disappointed.
Whatever Vega chip they showed was beating a 1080 in Doom. It's going to be faster than a 1080 and of that i am pretty certain. A Fury x is only 10%-15% slower in Doom. AMD at the time said even in Open GL the Vega chip would beat the pants of a 1080. If it can do that in Open GL where AMD are weak it has to be pretty potent.

AMD Vega 10 Should Still “Beat The Pants Off The GTX 1080” In OpenGL
Digging deeper into AMD’s Vega 10 and Ryzen announcements PCWorld’s Gordon Mah Ung and Brad Chacos sat down with Raja Koduri, well actually they stood up, and chatted away for about 40 minutes. One very interesting question that came up during the interview, which you can find here, was whether Vega 10 would still “beat the pants off the GTX 1080” if the DOOM demo was ran on OpenGL instead of the more efficient Vulkan."


I don't normally link this site but as it's a direct quote from Raja then i feel it's legit enough.

That quote does not give me hope for Vega, The question started with started with how we see vega can beat a 1080 in Vulcan but how will it do in dx11, Raja deflected the real meaning of the question by stating Doom does not run on DX11, After that he refered to OpenGL performance, No one really cares for Open GL or Doom performance anymore, we wanted to here about it's overall dx11 performance, But he deflected the topic very nicely which, as I said doesn't fill me with hope for Vega.

It's the fact he said it would beat the pants of a 1080 in Open Gl where AMD cards are very weak in comparison to Nvidia. That statement leads me to believe that Vega might be pretty potent. In Vulkan i take nothing from that but in Open GL that's a pretty big statement to make. He's not saying just beat a 1080 in Open GL he said beat the pants off it.

He didn't say that,

I think it would. Because at that resolution things are more GPU bound, less CPU bound. That’s one factor. But let me not say that too confidently because the DOOM developer had done some console optimizations like line assembly shaders and shader intrinsics and I don’t think they are available in OpenGL.
That quote does not give me hope for Vega, The question started with started with how we see vega can beat a 1080 in Vulcan but how will it do in dx11, Raja deflected the real meaning of the question by stating Doom does not run on DX11, After that he refered to OpenGL performance, No one really cares for Open GL or Doom performance anymore, we wanted to here about it's overall dx11 performance, But he deflected the topic very nicely which, as I said doesn't fill me with hope for Vega.

Well if it can beat the pants of it in Open GL then surely it can murder it in DX11. Open GL performance on AMD is far worse than DX11 from what i have seen. He gave enough away to suggest Vega should be pretty fast. How fast is the question.

Here is Doom open Gl performance on AMD and it;'s not pretty.


Here is Vulkan


Massive uplift so if the Vega gpu is beating a 1080 in Open Gl what can it do on an Api that's more suited like dx11 and then dx12. I can't see anything bar a full on win vs the 1080 and close to 1080ti. We shall see but i am optimistic.
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It's the fact he said it would beat the pants of a 1080 in Open Gl where AMD cards are very weak in comparison to Nvidia. That statement leads me to believe that Vega might be pretty potent. In Vulkan i take nothing from that but in Open GL that's a pretty big statement to make. He's not saying just beat a 1080 in Open GL he said beat the pants off it.
Well if it can beat the pants of it in Open GL then surely it can murder it in DX11. Open GL performance on AMD is far worse than DX11 from what i have seen. He gave enough away to suggest Vega should be pretty fast. How fast is the question.

Here is Doom open Gl performance on AMD and it;'s not pretty.


Here is Vulkan


Massive uplift so if the Vega gpu is beating a 1080 in Open Gl what can it do on an Api that's more suited like dx11 and then dx12. I can't see anything bar a full on win vs the 1080 and close to 1080ti. We shall see but i am optimistic.

We can hope it does but the question was "Will it beat the pants of the 1080 in DX11? " His response was Doom doesn't use DX11 and while he hopes it does beat the 1080 in Doom open gl he isn't sure because he hasn't had his people working on Open gl, It's another great reason to avoid WCCF who sensationalize (Is that a word) every headline by misquoting and implying things.

Personally I hope it does it all and sits between the 1080 and 1080ti but so far we have nothing solid to pin hopes on.
It'll be very disappointing if it does lose out to the 1080 most the time after such a long wait but understandable with everything taken into account. Now the legwork for Zen's been done they may get more resources for future gen's so that will be when the real competition happens.

Fury X will be beating the 1070 by the end of the year never mind Vega :D:D:D. Fine wine mate. I am laughing but at this moment there is not much in it. Huge gap to the 1080ti though.


The Fury x is sitting pretty in this all things considered, I just wish they hadn't cocked up the coolers on release then I'd off had one instead of the Fury Pro.
That too, as AMD aren't normal PC gaming anymore, Nvidia finished em off.

They moved into the VR market with their 480s, and now going into the deep learning, film industry, video etc..., with their VEGA, thats their main focus now.
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We can hope it does but the question was "Will it beat the pants of the 1080 in DX11? " His response was Doom doesn't use DX11 and while he hopes it does beat the 1080 in Doom open gl he isn't sure because he hasn't had his people working on Open gl, It's another great reason to avoid WCCF who sensationalize (Is that a word) every headline by misquoting and implying things.

Personally I hope it does it all and sits between the 1080 and 1080ti but so far we have nothing solid to pin hopes on.
It'll be very disappointing if it does lose out to the 1080 most the time after such a long wait but understandable with everything taken into account. Now the legwork for Zen's been done they may get more resources for future gen's so that will be when the real competition happens.

The Fury x is sitting pretty in this all things considered, I just wish they hadn't cocked up the coolers on release then I'd off had one instead of the Fury Pro.

Yea if it doesn't beat a 1080 easily i will be very disappointed as it means we will be effectively at Nvidia's mercy pricing wise.

Zen does give me hope that the graphics division will have more cash to work with in the future but for that to filter through we are probably talking years in GPU development as these things are designed years in advance.
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