That's the problem it's going to have, Nvidia won't have any interest in helping push it's uptake, maybe even the exact opposite.
Yeah, if it the case for needing the devs, then it won't get used, wether its easy to do or not, take Mantle for example, AOTS, one guy, about an hr or 2 to do, they said it was **** easy, yet it got no interest at all, no one wanted to know about it, not even the owners of the PC gaming market, Nvidia, so AMD had to get rid of it, but look at it now, now that its not under AMD, Nvidia have jumped on board, and the games are a coming, as the devs are now also all over it now too
If it needs the devs, then forget about it, as it'll just go the way of Mantle (when it was just under AMD), TressFx, that audio thing, and every other tech that AMD have done, no Nvidia, no use.
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