Clockspeed, oc potential AND ipc you mean?
But sure, if you value your money then choose amd, I've never disputed value or performance per pound, my point still remains the same however...Intel has the fastest cores and is the fastest core for core. You could also say that your own theory on longevity is a little bit flawed also. You talk about the future and how amd can go on and on and on on with the same socket and last for years yet contradict this. You state anything over 1080p won't show amds slower cores and lesser ipc like it does at lower resolutions (admitting amd suffers here). Well if amd is so futureproof, tell me what happens in the future when the gpus improve each and they start to push bigger framerates at higher resolutions? Surely you will start to see the very same old situation of having slower clocks and ipc reflecting on the fps meter once again?...That is not what I'd exactly call 'most futureproof'. I'd say if you want to stay on top with the pinnacle of performance each year then this point/debate is far from flawed.
I also say the same once again, if amd takes over in speed for my uses then i will happily jump ship. i have no need to be loyal to any single brand name, I simply go for what I find is fastest for what i do, regardless of pricing (within reason of course).
Intel is as of now faster per core and there is no denying it, however I also agree with lots of points you've made and I never stated Intel doesnt have it's issues. I agree and feel that amd has taken them by suprise, i also agree Intel can be greedy and this is why they are in this situation.
Intel has been laid back with no competitor for the best part of a decade, they didn't innovate as had no need to and overcharged consumers for 4 cores amd little improvements for many, many years. They didn't think about anyone coming from behind and so saved r&d costs and innovation costs whilst milking customers with their superiority. I actually thank amd for the competition and making intek try to innovate whilst keeping their prices a bit more in check.
I've never stated what I think about the future as that's not what the topic was about (I've been talking about mostly the here and now) but sure, in the future i think Intel will have issues and become 2nd you say, intel has issues with the shrinking process and amd are already pencilled in.
You have kind of got to also hope intel do well with discreet graohics because Nvidia forgot the mining craze has gone for now and are milking the consumers with a monopoly just as Intel were when they had no competition. Hopefully intel push them to keep their pricing in check as well, because their prices ate starting to get out of hand (I highly doubt intel will be successful here).
But you're right and i agree with pretty much all of that last post.