MLID new Zen5 leak!!!
Oh wait... it's based off fake slides that someone on Reddit specifically made to prove that MLID will repost fake bait
Ignoring the


He thinks Zen 5 IPC up lift in the low teens, AMD have problem and so on... and yet his conclusion is its still "exciting" an IPC gain lower than that from Zen 2 to Zen 3, and the only reason you would be disappointed about that is because you listened to 'other' leaks, not that its a pretty "meh" up tick by AMD's own recent standards, its because you didn't listen to him.
In other news, according to him, Intel will get a massive IPC upgrade, and AMD should be worried, but Zen 5 is still exciting, right?
There has been a pattern over the years with this guy, he underestimates AMD, every time, and overestimates Intel, every time, people, probably these companies themselves.... are playing games with him.
AMD's mindset is they don't like anyone knowing what they are doing, they think its a bad idea for your competition to know the accurate performance and architectural details of your future products, they are right, because then the competition can plan for it in advance, if there is such a thing as leaks then its in AMD's interests to feed the rumour milling with sandbags.
So its interesting that he underestimates AMD every time.
Intel on the other hard are different, Like a crumbling old empire trying not to look increasingly irrelevant on the world stage they are very bombastic and like to shout about what they are doing in 10 years time and that is going to change the world... because we are the best, don't look over there, look here, we are the industry leaders, believe me, look at all these big numbers and words we have.
That bluster rarely pans out but it keep's people like Tom here in a perpetual up > down > up > down > up > down cycle like a fool.