Looking at results from that thread, 4770k are getting like 1min 30, 83xx/9590 are getting 2min 30+
So I would say yes, your Haswell is almost twice as fast as an AMD chip in Blender on that test
When I did the benchmark on my FX-8350, it came out at around 2min 50 seconds. I had ample memory (24GB) but the memory speed may have been slightly low at 1600MHz. Allowing for Zen to have SMT (maybe +60%), higher IPC (+40%) and more and faster CPU cache, it seems feasible that Zen could give the results they demoed.
IF Zen goes toe to toe with the i7-6900 (big IF, it doesn't seem likely), then it wont be as cheap as some here are predicting. As others have pointed out, if it is in the region of i7-6900 performance (note the word "region"), then AMD would sell all the chips they can make priced a little lower than i7-6900 pricing. So going lower would not increase market share. And AMD still need money for all the buoyancy that recent news has given their share price.
Hype seems to be shifting from unrealistic performance expectations to unrealistic pricing expectations. I think Zen will be well-priced, but it's still going to disappoint some people here, I think!