There's also the fact that a lot of people aren't touching W10, and won't. Given the revelations about its data-harvesting activities, there's going to be major fallout. I expected it to be bad, but I thought it'd still be more than possible to easily circumvent everything. Now, it's so hard wired to the mothership and cloud, and its 'self-healing' so developed, that really isn't possible ... and it's not just people with tinfoil hats, the IT department of a company with offices where I live (with 1500 employees around the world) were trialling W10 Enterprise on 100 machines here. They started wiping those machines clean at the beginning of this week and intend to stay a W7 / OSX (for their designers) only shop now. On the advice of their own IT department & external security consultants, and management being unsettled, they didn't feel that they could maintain security or ensure commercial confidentiality for clients with it on ANY machines. W10 (and some of the updates to 8 and 7 which they've pushed) are the best thing that has ever happened to Linux. Certainly Valve have to be rubbing their hands.
The only way I'll ever touch W10 would be having a second machine with 2 things installed on it - Steam and f.Lux. But tbh I'd rather just avoid W10 and DX12 entirely, and therefore any games which don't offer Vulkan that need it, or DX11 for ones which don't. In 3 years time, I can't imagine that I'll have a box running windows at all. It's sad that it's come to this, but in a way I'm relieved. W10 is the shove that a lot of people need to abandon MS.