Americans shoot down British aircraft

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17 Oct 2002
It's been reported that American forces have shot down a British aircraft using a Patriot missile battery unit near Kuwait. It may have been on automatic with the safety catch off.
FFs, wtf are the yanks playin at, in the last gulf war, there more frendly fire deaths for our boys than killed by the iraquis:mad:
...oh dear here we go again.

What a suprise - Americans getting trigger happy. This was bound to happen sooner or later, and to be honest this so called 'friendly fire' resulting from personnel not knowing their erm... bottom from their elbow is growing rather thin.

I'm sorry but helicopter crashes - fair 'nuff things like that happen, but shooting someone down on your side is inecusable. Its not ike its the first time either.

For my friends out there I do no fear Iraqi fire - I fear American fire. Can we get some training over there please!
Is there even an Iraqi Airforce? If not, then why anyway? And surely they would radio in first to ID them?!

WTF is up with these Americans? Stupid iodiots.
Oh dear :( what a mess up.

There will apparently be a joint investigation though, I would be surprised if the RAF are willing to let the yanks cover it up and I will be furious if that does happen and Tony Blair doesn't get on the blower to Bush to ensure there is a fair outcome to any investigation.

Of course there is IFF gear onboard all RAF combat jets, so in theory this should not have happened as I believe the Patriot radar has IFF (Identify Friend or Foe) and target identification gear that, providing the IFF transponder on the RAF aircraft was working and was set to the right setting (and also providing the Patriot crew knew what the correct IFF setting was for 'friendlies' this particular night, since IIRC they change the IFF codes often), it should have prevented the missile from engaging the aircraft.
My m8 said something profound in the pub last night, we havent got doggy doo to worry about the iraqi`s in front of us, its the damn yanks behind us we gotta worry about:mad:

Surely they aint all GWB clones are they........
Originally posted by sik
Is there even an Iraqi Airforce? If not, then why anyway? And surely they would radio in first to ID them?!

WTF is up with these Americans? Stupid iodiots.

Radio'ing a missile???

Patriot missiles are used to intercept enemy missiles, not aircraft. So how they managed to even think about fireing at an aircraft is another matter altogether :(
Originally posted by Pezboy
Radio'ing a missile???

Patriot missiles are used to intercept enemy missiles, not aircraft. So how they managed to even think about fireing at an aircraft is another matter altogether :(
The system is an anti-aircraft system that has been modified to also cope with incoming missiles.
Originally posted by wohoo
My m8 said something profound in the pub last night, we havent got doggy doo to worry about the iraqi`s in front of us, its the damn yanks behind us we gotta worry about:mad:

Surely they aint all GWB clones are they........

Not exactly what I'd call profound :p

But accidents happen, they're an unfortunate part of war. Yes, they shouldn't happen, but they do.

Every person out there who has been killed in these accidents died serving his or her country. Let's hope that's some comfort to their families.
Originally posted by Pezboy
Radio'ing a missile???

Patriot missiles are used to intercept enemy missiles, not aircraft. So how they managed to even think about fireing at an aircraft is another matter altogether :(

Wouldn't they try and talk to the Aircraft first, before an automated missile....I see your point.
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