An Extreme makeover!

28 Feb 2006
No longer riding an Italian
Out riding today and did this:


Thankfully I wasn’t giving the bike any real beans, this happened at 60-70 (the road is NSL), but it was a classic panic braking – the road I was on has a real extreme 90 degree bend on it, and I thought this was it – the fear reaction was that I needed to shave off speed and fast, but I ended up standing the bike up and locking the rear, which resulted in a trip off-road and this is the end result.



(ended up in the field behind the bush!)









Not looking for sympathy, it was rider error through and through with ~10 mph over the posted limit, I’m just happy to be sat here reporting this with minimal injuries – other than aches and pains and a swollen left knee, I’m ok - THANK YOU FULL KIT!!!!


Looking forward to getting back in the saddle already, the R1 is bound to be written off, so I think I’ll take a look at an 848 duke or 750 gixxer next…
Glad to see you walking away from that. Sorry to see the wreck of your bike tho.

I hope you learn to ride safer and with the limits. Good luck.
Thanks guys :)

Yeah, I posted in the kit section, lol :p

I didn't consider myself out of the limits tbh djkav - it wasn't a huge amount of speed over, it was literally confusion on where this sharp bend was, and sadly fear took over from training :(
Oh, I totally forgot - some absolute legend (the dude with the white van) stopped and help – loaded it into the back and carted it home for me, all because he was also a biker!

Gotta love the camaraderie we all have between us :-)
Getter more and more sore now lol, but I'll be A ok in time, and the bike was f/c and iirc (and pray) on AA Gap insurance too...
Christ!, sorry to hear(well see) your off Scort! Glad you're not too sore, that'll probably change by tomorrow though heh, that knee looks tasty!

Get well soon though, and back in the saddle!

And just for the record, there are SOOO many better ways to do a makeover for your bike.
Damn Scort! glad your ok! I know what it feels like to have a knee like that :D
Another +1 for full kit saving ass :p

You going to keep the R1 if they offer it?
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That is tragic, but good to see your bike took most of the damage. I'm sure we all know that feeling when you come to a corner that is sharper than you think, brown trousers moment :eek:

While out today I noticed barbed wire along a hedge row on a B road. Surely when a biker goes off like you have, it's going to be very ugly...
Thanks for the comments guys :)

Another +1 for full kit saving ass :p

You going to keep the R1 if they offer it?

Bloody right mate, the kit stood up damn well - quite funny actually, I was riding about a few weeks back thinking "I've spent thousands on kit, will I ever get to test it?" - doh! :D

I think I'll wave it goodbye to be honest, much as I love it, I think I've killed it now, a fresh start will be nice :)

There's a DVD by Mike Waite "Police Advanced Riding Techniques" that is pretty darn good. He goes through all the visual clues they use to judge turns, position, ect. Also The Policefoundation Motorcycle Roadcraft book. If you think what they have to cope with, chasing folk down roads they may not know..... Their methods are pretty good.

It'll give you something to watch/read/study while waiting to get your next set of wheels and if it helps avoid this sort of mishap in future, it'll be £30 well spent.

Rest up and get well soon.
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Glad you're ok, that's the main thing, bet you're gonna feel it properly in the morning though, much/any of your gear ruined or just scuffed?

I was surprised to see that the footpeg/rearset assembly just snapped off like that (on the brake side), had 3 crashes on my race bike and mine has only ever bent slightly, saying that mine is a big chunk of alloy, rather than a nice lightweight/delicate thing like that :p

848 tbh, gorgeous bike :)

There's a DVD by Mike Wait "Police Advanced Riding Techniques" that is pretty darn good. He goes through all the visual clues they use to judge turns, position, ect. Also The Policefoundation Motorcycle Roadcraft book. If you think what they have to cope with, chasing folk down roads they may not know..... Their methods are pretty good.

It'll give you something to watch/read/study while waiting to get your next set of wheels and if it helps avoid this sort of mishap in future, it'll be £30 well spent.

Rest up and get well soon.

Will order myself copies - thanks :)
Glad you're ok, that's the main thing, bet you're gonna feel it properly in the morning though, much/any of your gear ruined or just scuffed?

I was surprised to see that the footpeg/rearset assembly just snapped off like that (on the brake side), had 3 crashes on my race bike and mine has only ever bent slightly, saying that mine is a big chunk of alloy, rather than a nice lightweight/delicate thing like that :p

848 tbh, gorgeous bike :)

Lid is ******, and the rest of kit is scuffed - they're covered though! And after the accident in 08, I have made sure to keep all receipts...

I would love an 848, the logic being it'll either break down or I'll be too scared of binning it (cost of fixing it!), so this wont happen again lol.

I'll certainly be taking a lot of test rides this time though.
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