An Extreme makeover!

28 Feb 2006
No longer riding an Italian
Out riding today and did this:


Thankfully I wasn’t giving the bike any real beans, this happened at 60-70 (the road is NSL), but it was a classic panic braking – the road I was on has a real extreme 90 degree bend on it, and I thought this was it – the fear reaction was that I needed to shave off speed and fast, but I ended up standing the bike up and locking the rear, which resulted in a trip off-road and this is the end result.



(ended up in the field behind the bush!)









Not looking for sympathy, it was rider error through and through with ~10 mph over the posted limit, I’m just happy to be sat here reporting this with minimal injuries – other than aches and pains and a swollen left knee, I’m ok - THANK YOU FULL KIT!!!!


Looking forward to getting back in the saddle already, the R1 is bound to be written off, so I think I’ll take a look at an 848 duke or 750 gixxer next…
Thanks guys :)

Yeah, I posted in the kit section, lol :p

I didn't consider myself out of the limits tbh djkav - it wasn't a huge amount of speed over, it was literally confusion on where this sharp bend was, and sadly fear took over from training :(
Oh, I totally forgot - some absolute legend (the dude with the white van) stopped and help – loaded it into the back and carted it home for me, all because he was also a biker!

Gotta love the camaraderie we all have between us :-)
Getter more and more sore now lol, but I'll be A ok in time, and the bike was f/c and iirc (and pray) on AA Gap insurance too...
Thanks for the comments guys :)

Another +1 for full kit saving ass :p

You going to keep the R1 if they offer it?

Bloody right mate, the kit stood up damn well - quite funny actually, I was riding about a few weeks back thinking "I've spent thousands on kit, will I ever get to test it?" - doh! :D

I think I'll wave it goodbye to be honest, much as I love it, I think I've killed it now, a fresh start will be nice :)

There's a DVD by Mike Wait "Police Advanced Riding Techniques" that is pretty darn good. He goes through all the visual clues they use to judge turns, position, ect. Also The Policefoundation Motorcycle Roadcraft book. If you think what they have to cope with, chasing folk down roads they may not know..... Their methods are pretty good.

It'll give you something to watch/read/study while waiting to get your next set of wheels and if it helps avoid this sort of mishap in future, it'll be £30 well spent.

Rest up and get well soon.

Will order myself copies - thanks :)
Glad you're ok, that's the main thing, bet you're gonna feel it properly in the morning though, much/any of your gear ruined or just scuffed?

I was surprised to see that the footpeg/rearset assembly just snapped off like that (on the brake side), had 3 crashes on my race bike and mine has only ever bent slightly, saying that mine is a big chunk of alloy, rather than a nice lightweight/delicate thing like that :p

848 tbh, gorgeous bike :)

Lid is ******, and the rest of kit is scuffed - they're covered though! And after the accident in 08, I have made sure to keep all receipts...

I would love an 848, the logic being it'll either break down or I'll be too scared of binning it (cost of fixing it!), so this wont happen again lol.

I'll certainly be taking a lot of test rides this time though.
I should have done really, I did tell the second nurse everything after I came over funny in the waiting room - cold sweat, rapid breathing, which lead to both arms getting pins and needles and me losing speech; but the nurse got me to lay on a trolley and control my breathing and I felt fine.

I'll see if I feel worse - head wise - tomorrow.

Well, the soreness has fully kicked in today – both shoulders, neck, the right of my hip, arms, elbows, ribs, wrist and knee, but none of it feels too bad, I’m not taking pain killers; I’m odd like that plus it’s a nice reminder to myself that I ****** up!

My head feels fine, I managed a difficult night’s sleep but I’m just so thankful that I’m still here – I don’t recall much from the crash in 08 due to blacking out and the one in 09 was just a belly slide on smooth road; the one yesterday was very violent and that’s going to stick with me – a good thing I bet as it will make me think more, like I said though, I honestly didn’t think I was riding above my limits it was a total brain fart and I was convinced I was on this difficult corner instead!

Insurers notified, they are arranging a salvage pick up soon, I have protected no claims and I went to the local dealership this morning – virtual bike shopping mainly, but also got confirmation that I do indeed have AA Gap cover, so other than losing my pride an joy, I should hopefully come through it ok financially; obviously I lost the mods, but I knew the risks when fitting them.

Thanks so much for all the comments guys, I really appreciate it, but posts like this may serve to at least get others thinking about the risks, but mainly about the value of protection – the amount of people I saw riding hard yesterday with minimal kit on was shocking…. one guy was doing at least a ton on a dual carriageway with no gloves on!

Oh well, I can’t wait to get back in the saddle, my family aren’t too happy, but they also understand how much riding means to me, so there wont be issues.

Off to look at the bike now, then it’s resting up with an ice pack :D
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That picture may answer some questions, you can just about see a line in the grass where the front slipped away, then a big hole in the dirt where the side of the bike dug in and the flipping started.

By this point I was only seeing grass/sky/grass/sky and so on, until I stopped the other side of where the two bikes are parked up :(
Scort, not sure what you meant above by "lost the mods" but before your salvage guy appears, are you going to remove those Two Bros cans or had you already declared them to the insurers when you fitted them?. Just a thought. ;)

Everything was declared, even down to the stupid bits (tank protectors and removing the livery :p) - heard so many horror stories, I wouldn't risk anything!
Your neck and shoulders are going to ache for days :p just get as much rest as you can that's my only advice, though I can say that easily I could not go anywhere :D

Hows the knee swelling?

*Just looked at your latest pic, makes sense now, glad you didn't run into the back of your bike! Crash bungs are an odd one, save your bike on the tarmac but as soon as they touch grass your getting flipped :(

Knee looks smaller today, but that could jsut be me trying to think things better, I was strolling around George Whites for an hour and felt it when I stopped! Thankfully I can still drive, but I only did a short trip in the car, I wouldn't risk anything long!

When my mates arrived, they said the same thing, the bobbins probably caused the bike to flip due to digging in, otherwise the damage may not have been so bad - hey ho though, better safe than sorry I guess :)
"They fell off and were lost in a hedge..."

Hahahaha, I was tempted to say that about the dash cluster, I think they can be sold for a fair bit - "erm, it felw over the hedge and a cow ran off with it" :D
Impressive bit of biffo there mate, looks like you got off relatively light as well injury wise. Bike's just a bike, as long as all your bits are still attached everything's ok.

Shame though, I did like your bike :(

Yeah, I'll miss her for sure, but as you and others have said, it's just a bike - main thing is I'm here and still perfectly able, aches and pains are nothing, it could have been so much worse, so thanks to:

Shoe XR1100
One piece Spyke leathers
Aplinestars GP pro gloves
Know Ageis back protector
Forefield pro pants
Alpinestars Supertech R boots

Seriously, I swore never to ride without full kit after the 08 crash, and regardless of the heat or my plans for when I stop, I'll always don the above!
How did your kit fair up? going by the pics you didn't land on the road so no splits in the leather? did you hit your lid?

Kit stood up pretty well, leather was damaged, but the lid got dinged, so will need to be replaced - claimed for kit today, just waitin on the paper work now...

Bike is being picked up tomorrow :(

I do feel damn lucky though, if there had been a wall there and I hadn't slowed by the time I cleared that gravel drive, I may be spending some more time in hospital.... or worse.
Bloody shame about the bike mate but at least your OK which is the main thing. Looking at thge state of the bike things could have been MUCH worse!

From the damage it looks like it has defo cartwheeled a bit. You can see there isnt just damage on the tank but also the rear sub frame is bent to hell where it has taken an almighty smack from above

The rear subframe was cracked into about six pieces, so I’m guessing the arse end did indeed take a big wollop, but at least I’m still here :D

Where abouts did it happen mate?

Not sure the name of the road – runs from South Cerney to Bassett, sods law this happened really as the majority of the road prior had been slow moving due to the amount of cyclists – if only they had been on this corner too :p
Much as I loved it, and still do in a way, I think I will move onto something else now - maybe it's time for a Twin :D
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