An OcUK Sunday Mystery...

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Put a sign out saying 'All your bags are belong to us', with an arrow pointing to where the bag is usually left.
I checked around 10.05am and the bag was definitely still there.

Less than half an hour later and...

It's gone! :eek:

Wasn't the bin men they are here just before 9am and gone in 20-30mins and the bag was still there after they'd gone, they have not been back as I would have heard them. I can't believe I've missed it!:(:mad:

Dude! You had *one* job.... :(
Update please. I barely slept last night wondering what could be in that bag!

No bag there least not yet there isn't.

This morning I was almost certain I had found the culprit but it was just the weird cat-woman with a funny walk from further up the road going to visit another neighbour, for some reason probably best unknown she was clutching a plastic carrier bag very close to her chest but on letting her get closer it was a similar bag but a completely different colour, I then realised she might see me watching her through the window so I ran away giggling as fast as I could and hid in another room for five minutes until she had gone (I have no idea why I did that...) :o

I am now doing my nosey curtain-twitching in a more nonchalantly fashion, pretending I am doing something else whilst secretly watching... :cool:
Well, I'd pretty much given up on the mystery bag this week, I thought someone may have been away on their holidays, perhaps somewhere exotic, leaving their mystery yellow bag in the cool shade of a coconut tree on some hot, snow-white beach on a small island in the Caribbean for a change. I even started to think it might be a peruser of these very Forums! :eek: And had worked out they had been rumbled! :cool:

But, a bit later than normal...


And this time we can see a logo on the bag...


At first (From a distance) I thought it might be a Recycling type logo, but it is clearly a SPAR bag, it's full of the usual papers by the looks of it.

It wasn't there during daylight hours yesterday so I'm assuming it has been dumped there some time during the night.

And no, I'm still NOT going to wander over and pick it up, look through it or interfere with it in any shape of form.

Now, as it's a Bank Holiday weekend, if and I shall embolden the 'IF' using the marvellous technology of the internet, actually I shall not only embolden the 'IF' I shall embolden and Italicise it! IF It gets removed before Tuesday than I think it is safe to assume that it will not be the Local Council or any of it's employees removing it. So the mystery may even deepen! :cool:
Honestly, best thread for months. Its clearly not just a rubbish dump, you wouldn't do it repeatedly in the same place. Is it always the same brand bag? If so you need to stake out spar by hanging around outside for a few weeks making a dossier of everyone coming out / going in.
Get up in the early hours of the morning and dress in your best ninja outfit. Go take a look!

It would be better to get inside a big plastic bag of his own and go and lay next the bag in question. Such a disguise would allow him to see up close who these fiends are.
Only in GD could we have alien drug dealing spies leaving stuff in Spar bags. I can't wait to see how this turns out.
Doofer, you should start noting down the approximate times when the bag is dropped off and picked up. Hopefully a pattern will emerge over the coming weeks and you will be able to narrow down the times when the above events occur. That means you will be able to predict a window of time when you will be free to take a closer look without fear of being disturbed by the picker-upper!
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