Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy

I wasn't overly impressed with Anchorman.
It was released at more or less the same time as Dodgeball and I thought that was a lot better in every single department.
Anchorman had it's moments, but not enough to carry it I felt.
the_one_deep86 said:
blatently is a king. are you watching them in wembley?

i wonder what the set list will be like?

I sold my tickets for £140 :o

I've seen them 3 times though already and getting to/from london would be real hassle/expensive for me anyway. Yes I know they're bad excuses but i really want a 360 :p
Zefan said:
I sold my tickets for £140 :o

I've seen them 3 times though already and getting to/from london would be real hassle/expensive for me anyway. Yes I know they're bad excuses but i really want a 360 :p

they are very poor excuses.

this is my first time seeing them, and i cannot wait!
krooton said:
Van Wilder is the last best 'teen' movie :D

I'm gonna go with Old School. There are so many parts that had me in stitches.

Tranquiliser gun with Stiffler.
Blue's Funeral
The ear muff scene where Frank says "****, balls!"
The Dan Band singing "Total Eclipse of the Heart"

lmao Wedding Crahers funnier than this, I dont know anybody who hates Anchorman and loves Wedding Crashers.

"go **** yourself San Diego"

Ron Burgundy: I love scotch. Scotchy, scotch, scotch. Here it goes down, down into my belly.
Every line should be an IMDB quote.. its comedy genius of the highest order to be enjoyed by you and your mates only.

Girls do not understand it.. and if they say they do.. they lie.. dont trust anyone!
Comedy genius it isn't, but it was much better than I was expecting. The entire film is one big roll of quotable lines, and it's got more subtlety than you might think -if you don't believe me, watch it again for the special Rubik's cube on Brian Fantana's desk ;) Oh, and Christina Applegate's in it. That alone is recommendation enough, I'd have thought.

Also, was anyone else reminded of Alan Partridge?

"Time to... musk up" :D
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Love this film, probably one of my favs ever. Went to see it not expecting a thing, but we loved it. We quoted it for months and months after :D
most the bits of the film mentioned are funny, but when watching the film they are not that funny! its so strange

im gonna watch it in a few months again!
its Will Ferrell, i cant think of a single decent film that he's starred in :confused:

A comic genius on SNL, but for some reason thats never translated to film
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