Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy

Actually SNL doesn't work for me full stop. I even sat down at some point to see the best of SNL something or rather and it was like a roll of dry turf - sometimes you felt like "oh, this gag has this dude and that dude, they are dressed as (put situational joke background here) - it has got to be good" and then, despite being given all the cards for perfect game, they would still go and blow it. SNL is simply not funny in any shape and form. It gets a smirk from time to time but can't imagine anyone laughin at it.

Will Ferrell to me is one of those actors that overdo things and they can't quite figure out why was it people laughed last time they did. They are usually self proclaimed comedians, people that got laughs at school and they insist on doing the same bad acting routine for few decades later.

There's plenty of actors like this - Chris Rock, really average stand up comedian with one and the same theme for decades, insists on acting and he blows at it - he's just not funny. Adam Sandler couldn't figure out why was it that Wedding Singer was funny and Waterboy was funny, but when he played retard for the n-th time it wouldn't even sell straight to video. Everything he did would work only once and then he would just try to copy it over and over until it wasn't funny anymore. He sort of figured out his niche in yankee equivalent to sloppy Hugh Grant act alike romantic comedies now. Jack Black still can't figure out why some of his stuff get laughs and he's still surprised that when he does a turd like Nacho Libre it just flops big time. How many times can you look at Jack Black doing the same drunken karaoke slash Jim Carrey facealike routine with figers pointing at things, eyes rolling and monkey faces with devilish smirking.
Will Ferrell is still browsing - does his bad Chevy Chase impressions with high school wedgie puller charm and you can almost see him stopping and waiting for a handful of laughs from imagined audience every time he does a gag. Most of the time it's just bad, reminds me somewhat of that stupid drummer on David Letterman - when the line is delivered and audience didn't quite catch it the drummer will do "bang, whadidid, bang" on percussion and fake laugh to wake the crowd - like there was no bad delivery from host, only slow audience...
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Cracking film, perhaps even better than Talladaga Nights which I thought was great.
Burgundy's boss was fantastic; his phone conversations about his son were hilarious!

As for Wedding Crashers - it was funny until the last thrid of the film when it went from a comedy to a romantic comedy (without the comedy!!!).
v0n said:
How many times can you look at Jack Black doing the same drunken karaoke slash Jim Carrey facealike routine with figers pointing at things, eyes rolling and monkey faces with devilish smirking.

Many, many times.

Jack Black is GOD!
Mohinder said:
I think Will Ferrel's funny as ****, the only dud film of his imo is Talladega Nights which was just... cack. The rest are decent lowbrow laughs.
Man, i loved Talledega Nights too.. i do love motorsports though and did go to see it with mates.. which just makes Will Ferrell movies.. i dont think i could watch it on my own and enjoy it as much.
One of the worst film's ever made. Will Ferrel is not funny.

Only film that he has been in that has made me laugh was "A Night at the Roxbury" now that is a film. :)
Probably one of my favourite comedy films of all time. First time i watched it i almost died, and have seen numerous times since and still find it funny.

Will Ferrel is a comedy genius, though talladega nights was indeed crap.

On another note, who has seen Blades of Glory?

I absolutely loved this film, had me in stitches.

"I could not love a human child as much as I love this brush."
Mohinder said:
I think Will Ferrel's funny as ****, the only dud film of his imo is Talladega Nights which was just... cack. The rest are decent lowbrow laughs.

It was an alright film. Had it's funny moments too, mainly due to Will Ferrell's and Sacha Baren Cohen's genii. The whole scene where he has his arm bent behind his back is hilarious.

" Oh god he actually did it. "
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