And boomers wonder why millennials are bitter towards them..

I saw a "joke" recently that can be adapted and applied here.

A rich person, a boomer, and a millennial are stood at a table. There are 20 cookies on the table.

The rich person takes 19 of the cookies, then turns to the millennial and says "Watch out, that boomer is trying to take your cookie!".
No privilege? You went to uni - that's a massive privilege in itself? I'm guessing before 9k fees too? If you're soon able to clear the mortgage, that means you must have gotten a decent paying job - privilege again. Are you a white male also? So getting into uni and getting a decent paying job was probably easier for you - again privilege. Did you also come from a decent supportive household that enabled you to do better at school than others? Also privilege.

See how it works? The point of society should be to level the playing field for everyone regardless of those things. We do not have that and with people like you telling others to just pull their socks up and try hard, we never will.

Christ almighty, I might be university educated but words fail me on that post! :rolleyes:
Why would any generation want things to be as difficult for future generations as it was for them? Isn't that the point of progress? That things become easier to achieve? Unless they're actually just a bunch of selfish cretins afterall...

You totally missed the point of my post, why is there a lot of moaning here about baby boomers? because some pensioners are using a rental as their income?, in many cases that's possibly the only income they have unless they have big private pensions because interest on savings is now zilch. Hundreds of thousands of pensioners have no private or work related pensions so they only have the rubbish state pension, zero interest on savings. And your last sentence certainly has a ring of truth
Christ almighty, I might be university educated but words fail me on that post! :rolleyes:

Why? Are you saying there's no systemic inequalities in our society that affects the outcomes of peoples lives? Some of which have enabled people like yourself to achieve comfortable lives whilst others still struggle? Which the older generations have failed to address?
You totally missed the point of my post, why is there a lot of moaning here about baby boomers? because some pensioners are using a rental as their income?, in many cases that's possibly the only income they have unless they have big private pensions because interest on savings is now zilch. Hundreds of thousands of pensioners have no private or work related pensions so they only have the rubbish state pension, zero interest on savings. And your last sentence certainly has a ring of truth

Sorry - I totally agree in that case, but those pensioners who are struggling should be angry at their fellow generation for not sorting out societies problems when they could too. Instead they, on the whole, kept voting in governments that benefited their own selfish interests and those alone. Cross generation solidarity on these issues instead of fighting between them is the only way to achieve any change.
I saw a "joke" recently that can be adapted and applied here.

A rich person, a boomer, and a millennial are stood at a table. There are 20 cookies on the table.

The rich person takes 19 of the cookies, then turns to the millennial and says "Watch out, that boomer is trying to take your cookie!".
You got that joke wrong:

The millennial takes 19 of the cookies and says to the rich bloke, quick, snatch the other one before that old boomer gets it
I saw a "joke" recently that can be adapted and applied here.

A rich person, a boomer, and a millennial are stood at a table. There are 20 cookies on the table.

The rich person takes 19 of the cookies, then turns to the millennial and says "Watch out, that boomer is trying to take your cookie!".

Ha spot on. Keep the plebs squabbling with each other while the real problem just gets richer and richer.
You must surely be what people here are calling 'boomer' age if you joined the forums in 2002?

Stop living somewhere you clearly cannot afford.
See this post. We can afford it fine, thanks. I'm allowed to have an opinion/rant about a subject without being personally invested in it…

Spent excess cash renting in an expensive area over several years when you could have rented in a cheaper area and bought in a cheaper area instead...
See above. And that's after rental prices have jumped in the last 4-5 years.

Why would any generation want things to be as difficult for future generations as it was for them? Isn't that the point of progress? That things become easier to achieve? Unless they're actually just a bunch of selfish cretins afterall...
You might have hit the nail on the head there. What's with all the boomers arguing we should have it as hard as them? lol..

It just screams of entitlement to me, youngsters want everything right now but they don't want to work for it or pay for it themselves, being able to blame someone else for your jealousy now that's privilege!
I suggest rather than blithering on about entitlement you do a bit of research on housing affordability. How about here:

Where the very first point is:
In England in 2019, full-time employees could typically expect to spend around 7.8 times their workplace-based annual earnings on purchasing a home; this is a significant improvement from the previous year, when the ratio was 8.0.
But yeah sure. "Stuck it out at school, go to uni, don't buy avocados" lol :rolleyes:
You must surely be what people here are calling 'boomer' age if you joined the forums in 2002?

A boomer derives from the rise of births right after WW2 so 1945-48, why do you think the poster you referred to would have to be a boomer because he joined Ocuk 18 years ago??
no, it points out the greed of the millennial's

Why not?

I mean I own a flat, but why shouldn't everyone be entitled to own their own home in a location they want?

Because apparently you should drop everything, family, friends the whole works to go live in a chav infested ghetto because expecting affordable housing is "entitled".

I guess we're entitled for expecting to retire the same age as the boomers? it'll soon be jacked up to 70 you watch.

Get a grip, the lot of you. Honestly.

See this post. We can afford it fine, thanks. I'm allowed to have an opinion/rant about a subject without being personally invested in it…

See above. And that's after rental prices have jumped in the last 4-5 years.

You might have hit the nail on the head there. What's with all the boomers arguing we should have it as hard as them? lol..

I suggest rather than blithering on about entitlement you do a bit of research on housing affordability. How about here:

Where the very first point is: But yeah sure. "Stuck it out at school, go to uni, don't buy avocados" lol :rolleyes:

If you download the Excel file at the end for the data ...

The ratio of house price and earnings was 4.76 in 2002. In 2019 it was 7.66.

Good job I don't like avocado!
See this post. We can afford it fine, thanks. I'm allowed to have an opinion/rant about a subject without being personally invested in it…

See above. And that's after rental prices have jumped in the last 4-5 years.

You can afford to rent there (but not buy) seemingly, but in doing so you've missed out on potentially several years of owning a property, paying down a mortgage and perhaps being the beneficiary of some gains in its value.

Thats a compromise you've chosen to make, if you want to live in the now, rent a 2 bed flat when you only need a 1 bed, rent in an expensive area in West London when you could rent then buy in a cheaper area then that's your choice.
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