And the Worst Website Award goes to...

Why does the 'back' button on index1.html go to the webstats, and the 'next' button go back to the front page? Peculiar.

<meta name="GENERATOR" content="Microsoft FrontPage 4.0">
<meta name="ProgId" content="FrontPage.Editor.Document">
Copyright of: Ability All Rights Reserved:1990 Webmaster . Site Design by Ability

Copyright 1990? I guess they didn't update their code since either!
Webmaster.. haha.. people still use that term?
Ive seen one worse than that. Its for a local online computer 'shop'. Shame I can't find the link now.. but it really is horrific! Animated gifs all over hte place, no design to the thing at all, about 10 different fonts in different colours to each page, hardly any content, the list goes on.
The worst is the one that got posted here a while back. Some guy who web designs for 99£ with a pic of him saying he has no overheads (lol) so passes the savings on to us (lucky for us eh). That site was awful and I think he actually got a customer or two lmao
There's a computer shop near me that has there website which is horrific. Loads of 404errors, tables galore, even the source on one page is taken direct from a word document with "Save as HTML" as the generator.
Oh dear, that's not good.

Pressing HOME takes you to "file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/ken/My%20Documents/My%20Webs/ability/"

Even World's worst website attracts 400,000 visiters a month...a lot more than combined of few sites I have built. They must be doing something right! ;)
robmiller said:
obligatory "This is Walsall" link


blade007 said:
whilst doing a bit of research on some sites I found this gem on pay per click


what a stunner
Almost as good as one of the recent "Web Pages that Suck" postings:

Nearly every page is an image map weighing in at ~1MB, or bloated HTML with handy Flash navigation, all fronted by a lovely Flash splash screen.
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Wallsall site hurt my eyes :\

Is it a pre-req to be tripped out on acid before visiting?

Anyway, worst site has to be just about any of the myspace pages.
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