And the Worst Website Award goes to...

Augmented said:

I prefer to be known as an 'Interactive Document Interpreter and Operational Technician'.
At least that's what my colleagues call me :).

I seem to get called by the flattering but quite frankly verbose title Website And Network Kreator/Engineer/Researcher. I wouldn't mind, but they seem to say it with a snigger :confused:
robmiller said:
I seem to get called by the flattering but quite frankly verbose title Website And Network Kreator/Engineer/Researcher. I wouldn't mind, but they seem to say it with a snigger :confused:
Hey, but that's a pretty impressive position to be in nonetheless. I'm hoping my role will eventally get me into the field of Visual Analysis and Graphical Implementation of Networked Assets, but it'll be sod's law that I'll just end up with the Technical Innovation and Tasking Team at Yale.

:o I feel ashamed
I was once a member of the Central Unit of New Technology Systems in one of my previous roles. 100% genuine. Took management 6 weeks to discover why we were so keen to have the title approved.
Dj_Jestar said:
I was once a member of the Central Unit of New Technology Systems in one of my previous roles. 100% genuine. Took management 6 weeks to discover why we were so keen to have the title approved.

hahahahahahahahahahaha! awesome. i want a job there.
dont you think those sites are somewhat stylised? i happen to love the way they look. they can be a bit of a pain to navigate, but they're very nice looking sites.
I just haven't got the patience to hover the mouse over non-descriptive pictures in order to get where I'm going, or not, as in this case.

Unless it's immediately obvious, I click back and look elsewhere.
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this is the thing ... some sites appeal to designers who think "that was a good piece of design" and then there are other people who just want to buy something and have no idea where to click when it's very confusing.

Ultimately an ecommerce site is judged on its sales.
blade007 said:
this is the thing ... some sites appeal to designers who think "that was a good piece of design" and then there are other people who just want to buy something and have no idea where to click when it's very confusing.

Ultimately an ecommerce site is judged on its sales.

as far as i'm aware, crumpler's sites are product sites, not ecommerce. to my memory, you can't even buy from them. is the ecommerce site :)
Strange, overclockers is one of my fave designs for a retailer. No flim-flam, easy to find what you want.

Though the search function needs an overhaul. And some products are in the wrong place (USB hubs) in my opinion
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