Android mail vs. Gmail app - which do you use and why?

13 May 2003
As above, I'm currently getting notifications from both and am looking to get rid of the weaker, but I haven't figured out which that is yet.

Is it generally the case that people with Gmail only, use the Gmail app, and people with multiple accounts use the Android app? Which is better and why?

Oops, sorry. Can a mod please move to Mobiles.
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Yep, use Gmail for Gmail, the built in client for Exchange (when is someone going to bring out a decent Exchange app that can do tasks as well?) and K9 for my other mail accounts. I like to keep them separate.
Gmail app. Have my hotmail and college emails forwarded to Gmail, which automatically get a College or Hotmail label.

Gmail for me - i run my business mail/domain through google apps and have all my other mail accounts consolidated by gmail but with mails marked separately - works nicely for me.
Same as Moby I forward everything to Gmail. Then all my emails get pushed to my phone within seconds of them actually being received.

The push mail service is the main reason I went to the effort of getting everything forwarded to gmail.
Same as Moby I forward everything to Gmail. Then all my emails get pushed to my phone within seconds of them actually being received.

The push mail service is the main reason I went to the effort of getting everything forwarded to gmail.

You can just set gmail up to poll all your accounts rather than have to forward - or is that what you are talking about?
You can just set gmail up to poll all your accounts rather than have to forward - or is that what you are talking about?

But doesn't the polling occur at regular intervals rather than constantly? If its not constant, then you won't get emails in real time.

With forwarding, say your hotmail account receives an email, it forwards it immediately and then gmail pushes it immediately.

You can still use gmail filters to clearly tag the emails as hotmail (or anything) so that you can tell where it was sent to.
But doesn't the polling occur at regular intervals rather than constantly? If its not constant, then you won't get emails in real time.

With forwarding, say your hotmail account receives an email, it forwards it immediately and then gmail pushes it immediately.

You can still use gmail filters to clearly tag the emails as hotmail (or anything) so that you can tell where it was sent to.

my understanding is that the frequency of polling relates to the frequency of mail to those accounts - if they get a lot of mail, it does a lot of polling! works well for me as is, guess if you have low volume but important in terms of timeliness mail your way could be better.
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