Annoying problems in BF2 since 1.3 patch!

17 Dec 2004
Since the 1.3 patch I have been getting stuttering in game, thought it might be lag at first but but my ping is at like 10 and my fps is at 80 so it can't be that.

Is anyone else getting this and is there a way to solve it?
I dunno but my PC has died since I tried to install it, failed, reinstalled the whole game unsuccessfully and warped my HDD into the slushy mess that lurks in my 3.5" bay now.

BF2 is the PC killer imo, always has been, always will be :(
Have you tried dropping your graphics settings down anyway?

Tried deleting all the files contained in your BF2 folder in my documents?
Will give it ago, as for the graphics settings i havn't touched them since the patch and they were fine before.

I am also getting a thudding comming form the subwoofer of my Z5450s whats causing that?
ive had the same thing, stupid amount of lagginess and jerks all the time. its one thing to mess about with the actual game but to mess up how it runs is a different matter :(
The surge from the capacitors in your soundcard when you thump the side of your PC when enraged with BF2? :p
Zefan said:
I dunno but my PC has died since I tried to install it, failed, reinstalled the whole game unsuccessfully and warped my HDD into the slushy mess that lurks in my 3.5" bay now.

BF2 is the PC killer imo, always has been, always will be :(

Now that IS funny. :p You honestly think a game can mess up your hardware!

Hilarious. But i guess it's the 'in thing' to blame everything on EA. :rolleyes:
I never have had problems with BF2 bar it being the only game to show the errors with my 7900GTX. Yes, it is a hardware problem. Exploding models lol.

Anyway, just clear the shader cache in your BF2 "mods" directory in my documents. Just go to the mods folder, then in each mod folder delete the "cache" folder. You might benefit from a hdd defrag too. Job Done.
If i see that "There's a problem with your connection" message one more time, i swear im gonna vomit blood. Its really starting to drive me nuts.
i used to get that all the time... was to do with my onboard sound drivers, downloaded the drivers from the asus website and bf2 worked flawlessly after that. its a weird sort of lag to explain, like the mouse doesnt control your player for a couple secs and he just runs forward. try sound drivers, or fart about with the sound options.
Insanity said:
If i see that "There's a problem with your connection" message one more time, i swear im gonna vomit blood. Its really starting to drive me nuts.

That is a good point, I now get that message a lot but didn't tie it to installing the patch. Holy No Swearing!; has dice screwed up a patch release?!?!?! Gee they haven't done that before.
With each patch it seems some people note problems going away whereas the unlucky ones note more problems being added! A fair suggestion is to totally uninstall and then reinstall the game (a pain, I know...). Then, use the FULL version of the patch. These incremental ones don't appear to be made properly and are actually causing problems themselves.

If you don't fancy uninstalling, and you used the incremental patch, you can still use the full patch over the top of it. I did it myself, so I'm speaking from experience. Ever since I installed 1.3, I had annoying lag and what's worse, CTDs. I've never had a CTD in BF2 before (although I know plenty of people have). I installed the full 1.3 patch over the top of my already-1.3 BF2, and BANG. It works again.

Just another thing to try if you feel like it. :D
HicRic said:
With each patch it seems some people note problems going away whereas the unlucky ones note more problems being added! A fair suggestion is to totally uninstall and then reinstall the game (a pain, I know...). Then, use the FULL version of the patch. These incremental ones don't appear to be made properly and are actually causing problems themselves.

If you don't fancy uninstalling, and you used the incremental patch, you can still use the full patch over the top of it. I did it myself, so I'm speaking from experience. Ever since I installed 1.3, I had annoying lag and what's worse, CTDs. I've never had a CTD in BF2 before (although I know plenty of people have). I installed the full 1.3 patch over the top of my already-1.3 BF2, and BANG. It works again.

Just another thing to try if you feel like it. :D

Cheers for the tip - will try this
The major disconnection problems after the new patch is actually a server issue, where they are crashing on average once a day as opposed to once a week. The lag issues are probably server related but check the optimisation tips first.
What is annoying me is that the server browser is messed as well. I click on a server and what I have highlighted has changed to a completely different server.
i live with 2 other people who play BF2, we play together on the same servers a lot of the time, when you get the connection problem and the server goes down you hear howling Nooooooooooooooooooos across the house lol.

BF2 is cruel, but i cant stop myself comming back to it, i find it hard to play any other fps offline now, dosnt give you the exitment or the staisfaction or the thrills or :rolleyes: ill stop now before i get over exited and play again.

BF is one of those games than can keep you entertained till 4AM giving you the most fun possible, but sometimes it seems to just want to wind you up and quit when you get hit by artillery over and over again.... much like a woman, kind of, if u know what i mean...

(No NOT big bazookas!)
Since i installed the 1.3 patch i just gave up trying to play :(

I have developed a kind of moonwalk style, my man will be walking along fine and then all of a sudden will take off on his own :confused: He will do the jackson moowalk backwards, then sideways, then forwards!! Very strange.

This also happens in vehicles and is very embarrasing...Driving of cliffs into water with my jeep full of squad members, then getting lambasted over voip for being a nub.
Insanity said:
If i see that "There's a problem with your connection" message one more time, i swear im gonna vomit blood. Its really starting to drive me nuts.

Im getting annoyed with this aswell, i had just won my basic explosives ordinance medal, and about 10 mins later i got a connection problem and now i dont have my medal when i check my stats, but i have the stuff that i got when i played after that, so it looks like it has cost me my medal :mad:
There is a solution for the lag its to disable something in windows. Also if you have probs it may also be worth doing a clean install.

There is a thread on in the support section.
fullfat said:
ive had the same thing, stupid amount of lagginess and jerks all the time. its one thing to mess about with the actual game but to mess up how it runs is a different matter :(

to be fair I was playing BF2, it crashed and it also buggered my harddrive, dead as a dodo now
Well i downloaded the 400mb+ dl in over an hour :eek: And installed it and it does seem to have lessened the lag/stuttering.

As for the disconnection notice yes i have been getting this more often as well right annoying when your about to creep up on someone only to freeze get the disconnetion thing and have to exit the server :mad:

Also my BFHQ seems to be broken as well. Since i upgraded to Master Sergant my progress bar is at max and it says i am gonna upgrade to a First Sergant wtf??? :confused:
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