Annoying problems in BF2 since 1.3 patch!

AFK_Matrix said:
Also my BFHQ seems to be broken as well. Since i upgraded to Master Sergant my progress bar is at max and it says i am gonna upgrade to a First Sergant wtf??? :confused:

did you get all of your other badges/awards that it takes to get to first sargeant? if not it will stick on 100% for a while, my mate didnt get some specific badge and he was in the same spot as you now.

i keep getting booted out of the game to desktop now, the game doesnt crash, but it just sits on my taskbar, i clcik it again and off i go again until a few seconds later then itll happen again and then itll be ok again :confused:
well ive just reformated installed battlefield n cant retrieve my previous account :( using nickname or email i just get either password is incorrect or nickname/email are wrong! it sucks
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