Annual GMT to BST thread

My oven once again shows the right time, after trying to reset it months ago.
Whatever happened the simple knob to twist back or forward an hour? These days you need to consult a manual, car is the same so many menus and sub menus to navigate just to change the bloody clock

My laptop ended up the wrong time, only noticed last night, had to uncheck and recheck set the time automatically, what's all that happy horse **** about ?
Sometimes it does sometimes it doesn't, if the date is incorrect obviously it won't (it doesn't check with the server very often it usually has to be manually synced in my experience)
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Phone did its thing for me as did the car. Oven however needed a 37 page manual with 14 steps and a sacrifice of a goat to get it changed. It'll be correct again soon enough.... Right?
Thought clocks going forward would mean I would sleep to at least 0730 for now, with later sunrise. But I've woken around 0630 the last two days, not been able to get back to sleep and got up around 0800... Only to have to go back to bed around 1000 for a few hours both days and then feel like a zombie. So sleep pattern still screwed!
You get an hour more light.
You didn't pay much attention in your science lessons then? Because that statement is completely wrong.

The amount of daylight (the period of time between sunrise and sunset) is entirely governed by the motion of the Earth. It has nothing whatsoever to do with the postion of the hands on a mechanical device.

So you can do stuff outdoors that you couldn't do before after work is what I mean.
Prior to the collective delusion that is "daylight savings time", you could have simply got up and gone to and finished work an hour earlier to achieve exactly the same effect.
You didn't pay much attention in your science lessons then? Because that statement is completely wrong.

The amount of daylight (the period of time between sunrise and sunset) is entirely governed by the motion of the Earth. It has nothing whatsoever to do with the postion of the hands on a mechanical device.

Prior to the collective delusion that is "daylight savings time", you could have simply got up and gone to and finished work an hour earlier to achieve exactly the same effect.

I certainly do not need a lesson is astronomy.

Not everyone can just choose their work hours.
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Grrrr, my Azure alert suppression rules work on local time, but the cronjob runs on UTC, so I've had 6 unnecessary emails over the last 3 days :p first world problems.

Also agree with the post above - we don't get an extra hour of light, it's just that for a lot of people the sun setting an hour later is useful.
I certainly do not need a lesson is astronomy.

Not everyone can just choose their work hours.
and that is the core problem. Most work requires you start around 8:30 which gives you plenty of time before work to get things done if there was daylight.
By the time I finis work at 6 to 7pm, taxied kids too/from sports/music lessons, gone shopping, cooked dinner, helped kids homework, cleaned up after dinner it is dark anyway. And I just lost an hour of productive pleasant outdoor time .
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