This isn't really a confession, more getting things off my chest.
I had major surgery in the past, involving an unusually long period under general anaesthetic. I accept there is probably no scientific evidence for this causing any sort of mental episode, but the memory and cognitive problems that I suffered took a very long time to clear. I don't know how to really explain this properly, but I feel somewhat different since then. Maybe I was just mental to begin with and this tipped the balance.
I now literally hate life, other people and any sort of social interaction, with very few exceptions now. To say this is making my job difficult is an understatement.
I've always been a very sociable, affable person and am the chief organiser for a few large groups of friends - but since then feel like I'm an actor in some sort of surreal show I don't want to be a part of. When I'm out and people are trying to talk to or be nice to me, I often think about how nice it would be to stab them in the face. The mask has started slipping quite a lot lately, where I'll be standing at a crowded bar, staring into space and people will ask me what's up, so I have to put on the smiley, happy face again and say I was just daydreaming.
I also discarded a promising relationship I had and since then have just taken home randoms and treated them as disrespectfully as I possibly could until they finally bailed and left. I'm lucky I haven't had the police called yet.
It sounds like a cliché but I honestly want to see the world burn. This affected my EU referendum vote - I voted for the possibility of ensuing chaos but sadly don't think it'll happen and we'll all be OK.
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