Another Accident

Can't help but wonder what you were doing riding in the bus lane in the first place.

Granted, I don't know the road you describe, but maybe if you'd been behind this chap instead of, presumably filtering/undertaking on his inside in the bus lane, then when he pulled over without looking you would have been out of danger?

Some bus lanes are time based, i.e. a lane anyone can use during certain times. Not sure how the bus lanes work in London, but I think they are also timed, or bikes can go in them anyway?
Most bus lanes in London are open to motorbikes, they're also used by the many thousands of cyclists. I think if it's got red double yellows it's OK for bikes.

Driver was in the wrong, not checking before changing lanes (into a bus lane! Which cars aren't allowed in).
As I said, I don't know the road described.
However as a general rule of thumb it's a good idea to not drive/ride up the inside of other road users. Most of them, even those used to traffic in major cities, only pay attention to other road users overtaking them on the right hand side of the road.

If you ride or drive defensively this is something you should be aware of.
I'm not pointing any fingers, but the simple fact is you cannot expect other drivers to see you. I drive a mahoosive landrover and the times people fail to notice my vehicle alongside theirs is so routine it's not even funny any more.

Good road sense is not putting yourself in the position where you might be damaged by another drivers lack of awareness. This isn't so bad for me as I'm surrounded by 2.25 tons of solihull's finest rust. You guys on two wheels though... not so much.
He wasn't filtering up the inside, he was riding in a completely separate lane which as it's London was probably also being used by buses, cyclists, other bikes.

No different to a dual carriageway and one lane full of queueing traffic, the other empty. But you wouldn't expect a car to pull into a bus lane :D although it is London...
It was on the Old kent road and if you're not gonna take advantage of using the wide open bus lanes you might as well drive, it's really congested there. You always expect someone to change lane if there's traffic on the right and there are roads on the left so I wasn't going fast but he did it so suddenly I couldn't stop. Had I been going faster I'd have been badly injured.
While I'm guilty of speeding quite a bit, I know that route too well not to take it easy.
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