Another capital punishment thread

17 Jan 2016
Valley of Jade
I've just been watching the Judges sentencing in the case of Steven Craig who bullied and abused his then partner resulting in the eventual killing by re-enacting a scene from Reservoir Dogs.

From what he has done in this case, and also to another woman, as well as his 18 previous offenses, the man is a beast. In my opinion the Judge should have had the option to sentence him to death.

The tax payers of this country are paying for this low life to sit in a prison cell.

Before anyone asks the question, yes I would pull the lever or press the button on him.

I'm all for the death penalty when someone is 100% undeniably guilty of the most heinous of crimes, however I cannot condone it due to how wrong the justice system gets it, innocent people can and have died, and that isn't worth the risk. Locking em up for life will have to do.
I'm all for the death penalty when someone is 100% undeniably guilty of the most heinous of crimes, however I cannot condone it due to how wrong the justice system gets it, innocent people can and have died, and that isn't worth the risk. Locking em up for life will have to do.


In this case he is so guilty beyond sin we should just chuck him into a blender and be done with it.
As above: The risk of getting it wrong is too high. How do you really draw the line to be sure "he definitely dun it guv". A whole life sentence (i.e you die in prison) seems like a sensible option to me. Have them truly face up to their crime for the rest of their life instead of a quick way out.

I'm also not convinced the death sentence is any cheaper to the tax payer - just look to the US at how many appeals and processes any prisoner on death row ends up getting. The state has to field lawyers and court hearing for all that which ain't cheap. Disallow all that and we just become some third world poo hole.
For cases like that, I may be swayed by hard labour. If they die that way, no issues with me.

No easy way out for the offender. They're there as a deterrent rather than forgotten about.

If mistakes in the justice system sentence innocent people they're still around to be released and compensated.

The death penalty doesn't work, is fraught with problems and makes murder 'acceptable'.
I'm all for the death penalty when someone is 100% undeniably guilty of the most heinous of crimes, however I cannot condone it due to how wrong the justice system gets it, innocent people can and have died, and that isn't worth the risk. Locking em up for life will have to do.

Why is wrongly locking them up for life better than wrongly killing them?

It doesn't work. Besides any other reason, it doesn't work

In what way doesn’t it work?

I’d also have the death penalty for anyone with over 50 convictions /controversy mode.
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In what way doesn’t it work?
Does it? Can you point me to the country that has it and no horrific crimes?

Edit: Do a quick search and you'll see in US states that have the death penalty the murder rates are higher than those that don't.

So, pretty much possibly counter productive

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I used to be all for the death penalty, but then as I got older I realised you are looking at completely the wrong end of the problem. If society has had to execute someone for a crime (or jail them for that matter), then society failed to stop that crime and already lost. Whatever you do is a pointless reactive response, not a proactive prevention.

Prevention is where the focus should be, criminality isn't some Biblical style evil you can kill off, but rooted in mental illness / neglect and ignorance.
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As a society more research should be put in to mind reading. Stay with me here, I've not lost my marbles or talking about minority report or similar.

Until such times where we can read and record the memories of offenders and witnesses, there may always be that element of doubt and risk ending the life of an innocent person. However, imagine capturing the memories of the guilty and knowing without a shadow of a doubt of their guilt - the justice system would be revolutionised. Those guilty of the worst crimes could be thrown in to the boiler of the nearest prison to provide heat the offenders of lesser crime. Could such a system be abused? Of course, the law is an ass.

Sound like the plot of a book. Where's my pen?! :D

I used to be all for the death penalty, but then as I got older I realised you are looking at completely the wrong end of the problem. If society has had to execute someone for a crime (or jail them for that matter), then society failed to stop that crime and already lost. Whatever you do is a pointless reactive response, not a proactive prevention.

Prevention is where the focus should be, criminality isn't some Biblical style evil you can kill off, but rooted in mental illness / neglect and ignorance.

I agree to this mostly, but with the current state of the system and treatment of mental illness, things are going to get a lot worse.
The death penalty is actually more expensive than a whole-life sentence. This is because of the paperwork involved with the appeals process and issuing the death warrant.

Also, you can't resurrect a convict if they were later found to be not guilty.
I disagree with the death penalty for the fact that it just feels like an easy out. Let them see out their days in misery, the longer the better.

But it's not abject misery is it?

3 meals a day, exercise, visitors, education, somewhere warm and dry to sleep, entertainment (books, tv, even a playstation for some dammit!). The only thing taken from them is their freedom to which they become accustomed to very quickly. The legal system treats the victims of crime worse than that.
It doesn't work. Besides any other reason, it doesn't work
it does work though, it saves the tax payer a fortune

if there is 100% no doubt and its an offender who will never ever be released anyway... at least take them off any kind of suicide watch and let them get on with it

Shipman, Hindley, Sutcliffe, Brady etc

may as well add serial rapists too
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it does work though, it saves the tax payer a fortune
Sorry, did you not read the link. More murders in states that have capital punishment than those that don't.

So increased numbers of serious crime and it's not free to kill them nor free to investigate and prosecute the extra crimes.

Beyond any other reason, how does that 'work'?
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