Another capital punishment thread

There are things worse than death. keeping someone captive in a small cell is a harsh punishment. I do think legalise drugs and allow the money to go on locking up rapists and pedophiles.
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I'm pretty sure in any right minded country, it would actually cost more because of the necessary appeals.

What appeals? Just execute them immediately. As in kill them then and there in the courtroom.

But I'm against the death penalty. First there's the possibility of human error. Second, imprisonment gives them the chance to repent and reform. And third, not having the death penalty makes it safer for the police: suspects are less likely to try to kill the police because they have nothing left to lose. Whereas if they know they can surrender safely they are more likely to do so.
Sidney Cooke is 95 and still going. A perfect candidate to be dragged out a courtroom and shot twice in the head.
Exceptional cases are probably almost a mercy killing of putting down some savage quirk of humanity and most are probably in Broadmoor and Rampton. But cases like this are beyond any doubts and are another level.
Essentially it would do nothing as a deterrent and simply be putting down mad dogs. But I see no reason to keep a mad dog in cage.
This guy is one I'd suggest too.

The guy has 28 previous convictions!

I think after a certain amount convictions he needs to be considered a menace to society, at the very least locked up for the rest of his natural life.

Apparently he was being recalled to prison and the police were looking for him the day before this happened. I think its obvious he was looking to do some damage to anyone he saw as vulnerable before being locked up again. He should never have been let out.
This guy is one I'd suggest too.

The guy has 28 previous convictions!

I think after a certain amount convictions he needs to be considered a menace to society, at the very least locked up for the rest of his natural life.

Apparently he was being recalled to prison and the police were looking for him the day before this happened. I think its obvious he was looking to do some damage to anyone he saw as vulnerable before being locked up again. He should never have been let out.
Yeah anyone like this should have never been allowed at. It seems to happen far too often.
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