Another excellent delivery by UPS

Seems like I’ve been cursed as just had this delivered from Matalan like 5 mins ago.

how anyone at there warehouse thought it was ok to post porcelain bowls in a plastic bag with a bit of bubble wrap. Hermes
I don't think the Hermes man wraps the parcels too fella :p
Reminds me of the time when I must have been 19, I was just a noob to the internet and thought I would give ebay a go to sell my old parts as a 2nd hand system in a cheap but brand new case.
It was only an Athlon Xp Abit NF7 system but those parts had memories for me, Anyways The system went for around £150 which was dirt cheap but £150 I wouldn't have had otherwise.
A week later the system got shipped back to me with absolutely everything unscrewed and rattling about the case, the buyer saying it arrived like that, even the motherboard was rattling about in there.
We had a few back an d forth msgs and me telling him that I had built it all back up and it still worked, but no he wanted a what he paid for, saying the specs said it came with an Nvidia Gf Ti4400 but the card has Leadtek on it, he never asked for a refund just what he paid for.
I told him that I wasn't happy with what he had done and asked why he had done it etc, end of the story is I won my dispute where the system worked and he had to pay postage again but never did.
I gave him 3 months to pay but he didn't. So I put it back up for sale again and got £220 for it and the buyer praised the value he got. a few days later the original buyer msged bitching at me but told him where to go
Yeah it was a strange one.
Bigger, better quality image.

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