Another Religious Fanatic :/

daven1986 said:
(haven't visited link yet) i have always said religion is the cause of 90% of wars and it is detrimental the the survival of the human race.


Please cite me these wars, resources always have and always will be the main cause for conflict.

That woman is clearly mad, and should there be a god, thankfully for the rest of us he will send her off to be punished for all eternity.
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nealw said:
imagine waking up next to her after a drunken night out....


lol irl

Combat squirrel said:
shes NUTS, shoot her, shoot everyone that follows a religion

Why? You do know people follow religion for a way of life without having to go on TV and say its good many people die...

Its fair enough some people may not like religion but to have statements like that and say " absolutly detest religion but if people want to believe in something ... anything, then that's okay with me just as long as they keep it to themselves". Sure, as long as you never have an opinion on anything, or at least "keep it to yourself".

How you know its a man? lol did anyone see the guy slip in "youre obviously a nut" lol
Combat squirrel said:
shes NUTS, shoot her, shoot everyone that follows a religion
Shoot everyone that follows a religion? =/

That woman/man/it/heshe needs some form of slapping/punching on a daily basis until she stops spouting absolute nonsense.
panthro said:
I would like to knock her to the ground, repeatedly stamp on her head and then punch her in the ovaries, and see if she thanks God for that.

LOL. Couldn't help bursting out with laughter after reading that :p.
She/he is one sick, twisted individual.
I wonder how she'd like it if someone protested outside her family's funeral.

Give the dead some respect!

R.I.P. to those she's disturbed.

She deserves a good hard slap.
panthro said:
I would like to knock her to the ground, repeatedly stamp on her head and then punch her in the ovaries, and see if she thanks God for that.

That would probably make her look better :p

People like these make me sick.
Not only are they disrespecting there country and there family but they give a bad name to Christains.
From what i saw there she was not a christain but some curupt minded evil *****.
In the bible it says do not judge and and said straight out to the host that he was not christain.
God does not hate gays, God would not be happy at 9/11, God would not be killing these soldiers.

Tbh i personaly got a really bad vibe about her, there was something definatly evil about her. Just look at her eyes.

Im christain btw and the act she displayed there was applauling and most of what she said has nothing to do with Christianity.

Those type of familys arnt anything more then cults run my sick minded freeks.

They should arrest anyone that disrespects home comong soldiers (dead or alive). They should arrest them and lock them up for a few years.
Vietnam soliders got treated bad enough.
Why is it always the people that are just going over and doing there jobs or what they were told to do that get disrespected by people these days :(
Sometimes I think that once people finally realise what a sham most religion is and stop pandering to its whim, the world will be a better place. This is the 21st century, people!
I am sorry at posting with out looking at the link or reading the thread.

But any one who justifies an action through religion(to an extent), to me is a terrorist. Regardless of side.

Religion to me is and idea, which is to be changed not fought over.

I hate people who believe otherwise.

KaHn said:
I am sorry at posting with out looking at the link or reading the thread.

But any one who justifies an action through religion(to an extent), to me is a terrorist. Regardless of side.

Religion to me is and idea, which is to be changed not fought over.

I hate people who believe otherwise.


1) There are different aspects to religion, some have nothing to do with anything negative

2) Not all religions inspire similar behavoiur in their adherents
cleanbluesky said:
1) There are different aspects to religion, some have nothing to do with anything negative

2) Not all religions inspire similar behavoiur in their adherents

Yes I know not all religions are the same and in no way have I said they were, but in my belief I do not follow other religions due to inaccuracies, but that is my choice. I do not judge Christians, Catholics, Muslims, Shiks, Buddahs etc due to their beliefs, but others do.

KaHn said:
Yes I know not all religions are the same and in no way have I said they were, but in my belief I do not follow other religions due to inaccuracies, but that is my choice. I do not judge Christians, Catholics, Muslims, Shiks, Buddahs etc due to their beliefs, but others do.


You should judge them on their beliefs - the more devout they are the more their faiths beliefs will be their beliefs and the more accurately their opinions can be predicted...

What I was saying was that the three main religions that get a lot of publicity tend to shape everyone's view about religion... but there are lots of different religions out there - many of which dont have a 'follow the rules' mentlaity...

I used to be an aethiest but then I learned more about what the human body and spirit are capable of and I read some more about history and how civilisation has progressed and realised that there is more to being human than science has so far been willing to credit.
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