another SATA question

6 Sep 2005

i have a DFI lanparty UT 250Gb mobo.
i asked my dad if he could buy me a set of HDDs with sata, and really kind of him he did.

now... he got me the faster sata compat HDDs (3gb/s) and my mobo only takes to 1.5gb/s. will it still fit?

the HDD is the HITACHI Deskstar82.3GB 7200rpm

thankyou in advance
Yes - might need to jumper it though to force 150MB/s. See my sticky - top of HDU forum for more info.

Ignore that - you won't need to do anything, Hitachi SATA-II drives are set to SATA1 by default from the factory - you have to enable SATA-II on them (I should know, I own 4, but forgot - bit tired at the moment :p).
okey thankooo.
If im not mistaken thats not on sticky?

anywhooo you should get some sleep for tonight. thanks for help
OK .... i just plugged in the 2 HDDs. powered them both with the flatty connection next to sata port.

enabled sata drives on board but it doesnt want to work...
i set it up on board as striped, and it says healthy. on windows i can see it as 2 different drives on hardware manager but i cant partition it !!!

it doesnt come up on my computer!

help me please
Have you installed the necessary RAID drivers? Does it appear in Disk Management (Right click 'My Computer' > Manage > Disk Management > Can you see an unallocated/uninitialised disk?). What RAID controller is this, nF3?

EDITED because I am an idiot :D (didn't read it all before).

EDIT2: Make sure you have NOT connected both SATA power (the flat one) AND the normal 4 pin molex.
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ehhm. cant find that manage or disk management thing you type of.... i have windows XP home

EDIT. found the whole volume thing doing it now. hopefully after this it will show up. thanks
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