Or say the past 10,000 years of barbaric war - women having no rights & people being murdered with impunity, with beheading, slavery, executions & torture on a mass scale.I wonder what they blamed the Bath School disaster (1927, 45 dead, bomb) and University of Texas Massacre (1966, 16 dead, shootings) on?
Games consoles weren't around then.
He CHOSE to KILL PEOPLE, he used a gun, the choice came first, the gun didn't make the choice for him, he wanted to kill people, he would have killed people. He may have been more successfull, he may have been less successful its almost certain he would have still tried because ignore the gun, HE WANTED TO KILL PEOPLE, the gun is completely irrelevant to that. Especially as the vast majority of people who do this want to die themselves and kill themselves in the process... IE he wanted to die, it wasn't like a professional hit where a gun from the longest distance possible and getting away without being caught was of concern.
Gang culture and gun crime NEEDS addressing, but it always did, and it has nothing to do with crazy people going on rampages. This is the problem, politicians are being given an easy way out, ban the M4 copy the kid used, everyones happy, nothing is done about ghetto's, nothing is done about gangs, the murder rate/gun crimes won't change much at all... psycho's will still go on rampages, using other guns, or other weapons entirely and nothing will change.
people need to focus on two separate issues, and not let politics package this up in a "we've identified some stupid reason this happened, will fix this little thing and pretend everythings better" bow and not go after the fundamental issues underneath.
He CHOSE to KILL PEOPLE, he used a gun, the choice came first, the gun didn't make the choice for him
lots of text.
The bottom line is there is no need for any average joe member of the public to own a gun, anywhere.
Gun control is mute, its too late for America, what they need is access to mental health care.
There is no need for any average joe member of the public to own a gun, anywhere.
Recreational target shooting?
Go to a licensed gun range or place or whatever. Use theirs.Recreational target shooting?
2nd amendment doesn't say anything about target shooting or hunting.
It means you can have the same small arms as the government, but semi-automatic i.e. you can account for every bullet. There's no real use for a machine gun in self defense because there's no way to be accountable for every bullet. Although you can buy a machine gun if you jump through some hoops, but they are expensive collectors items.
A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.
That's not a need, it's a want and recreational target shooting can be accomplished at a shooting range without owning a gun.
Go to a licensed gun range or place or whatever. Use theirs.
The 2nd amendment doesn't state citizens can have the same small arms as the government either. It says....
So it's purely down to interpretation what that means. Now I would argue that the US Army is now their "well regulated militia" and that there is no longer a need under the 2nd amendment for [the vast majority of] private citizens to own firearms.
Alabama: That every citizen has a right to bear arms in defense of himself and the state.
Alaska: A well-regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. The individual right to keep and bear arms shall not be denied or infringed by the State or a political subdivision of the State.
Arizona: The right of the individual citizen to bear arms in defense of himself or the State shall not be impaired, but nothing in this section shall be construed as authorizing individuals or corporations to organize, maintain, or employ an armed body of men.
Read the contemporary state constitutions which often go in to more detail: http://www2.law.ucla.edu/volokh/beararms/statecon.htm
I don't know why you assume that theft becomes easier. We keep all of the country's arms and gold in a few well secured, licensed and monitored places. That hasn't made theft easier. In fact, having fewer, licensed and monitored places inherently makes it easier to secure and regulate.Not really all that suitable a solution. For a start you have no just collected all weapons in one place making theft much easier.
Perhaps they could own their own gun and keep it at the club?Also I would assume for anyone even half serious about shooting they would want their own weapon set up for themselves rather than using a club weapon that anyone can shoot.