Another school shooting in the US

America needs to overhaul its gun laws. The ease with which children and those in an angry disposition can get hold of assault rfiles and like needs to be addressed. But a complete ban is not the answer.

It's the exact reason I'm happy with the strict gun laws in this country. If the gun laws are so strict it means some perfectly trust worthy respectable people cannot own guns, I'm absolutely 100% OK with this if it in turn means muggers, druggies and angry kids etc can't (easily) get hold of them.
obama just sparked the biggest gun sale in history. Every single ar15 in the whole country is now sold-out, along with every single magazine, receiver/upper/bolt/etc.

From what I've heard it's nearly all people who never heard of an AR15 before the media frenzy and now want to taste this forbidden fruit while they can. Everyone else who wanted one already had one (if not 10) by now. This is not even close to the panic buy after the last 2 elections. Magazines that were $10 at the weekend are going for $60+ now (if you can find them). The instant background check system is running a DAY behind, completely unheard of (usually takes 2 mins!). Dealers are saying they are backlogged on shipping orders out by weeks now. Nobody is even answering their phones/email. Total buying frenzy, and nearly all of them newbs.

There was 2 million background checks last month (i.e. new guns sold), the highest ever recorded. This month will definitely beat that. 17 million total so far this year.
America. The only country in the world where you can stopped crossing the street carrying a semi-automatic assault rifle and get arrested for the crossing the road part.
- Massacre occurs.
- Public and media outrage ensue. Enough is enough.
- Federal ban on weapons across the whole country. Only 22LR target pistols are allowed for recreational use.
- All pre-owned weapons have to be accounted for and dismantled.
- Obama is then revealed as a muslim space lizard, and after successfully disarming the population and militias, imposes his 1,000 years reign of terror on the hapless masses.
- Massacre occurs.
- Public and media outrage ensue. Enough is enough.
- Federal ban on weapons across the whole country. Only 22LR target pistols are allowed for recreational use.
- All pre-owned weapons have to be accounted for and dismantled.
- Obama is then revealed as a muslim space lizard, and after successfully disarming the population and militias, imposes his 1,000 years reign of terror on the hapless masses.

LOL! Just as well we're all dead tomorrow then!
America. The only country in the world where you can stopped crossing the street carrying a semi-automatic assault rifle and get arrested for the crossing the road part.

Or for hiding your gun.

Carrying one out in public is fine, you only need a permit if you intend on hiding the gun lol.
Or for hiding your gun.

Carrying one out in public is fine, you only need a permit if you intend on hiding the gun lol.

this is the amusing thing

though you don't often need a permit open carry will often attract law enforcement

^^^ these guys are funny - sort of like the activist cyclists in london with helmet cams except they go out with sem-auto weapons

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obama just sparked the biggest gun sale in history. Every single ar15 in the whole country is now sold-out, along with every single magazine, receiver/upper/bolt/etc.
Yup, they were predicting this, it's exactly the same as the gun ban under Clinton which predictably made no difference to the number of killings. (mostly because if you could actually afford one if these things then you weren't likely to kill anyone and criminals do what they want anyway).
It did annoy the Mexicans though as they have a gun ban and were illegally buying AK-47's from the US.

They will probably trot out the same media friendly guff about "high capacity magazines", which really are the standard issue magazines, but it sounds awesome if you call it something evil sounding and then ban them.
A pity you can still pull out an empty one and then put in a full one :o

I'm sure Obama already knows that a gun ban will achieve nothing (other than trash another industry), it is embarrassing to repeat history so soon though.
All the 94 Clinton ban did was encourage gun makers to develop small pistols that have 10 round mags (the limit under the ban), like the glock 26 introduced in 1995, which then encouraged concealed carry to expand hugely to almost every state.


The 94 ban also turned assault rifles from a very small niche of collectors, often frowned upon by other shooters, to being household items. Walmart sells 7 different kinds now. All thanks to the media frenzy surrounding them.

1993: "why would you ever need one of those???"
1994: "I better buy one of those before they are banned!!"
The 94 ban also turned assault rifles from a very small niche of collectors, often frowned upon by other shooters, to being household items. Walmart sells 7 different kinds now. All thanks to the media frenzy surrounding them.

1993: "why would you ever need one of those???"
1994: "I better buy one of those before they are banned!!"
Which is why all guns should be banned, which kind of kills that argument.

Also - 'Lolkwerk'
Which is why all guns should be banned, which kind of kills that argument.

Also - 'Lolkwerk'

How long does it take to draft and pass a ban? Then how exactly do you ban 300+ million guns? The gun owners haven't just bought enough for themselves, they've bought enough for their kids and grand kids. You'd still have millions buried in the ground, hidden in walls and the like.

Brownells, the world's largest supplier of firearms, has reportedly sold three-and-a-half years worth of magazines in just seventy-two hours.
I know this issue is far more complex than "just ban all guns", but how citizens emptying the gun shops of every assault rifle available is the answer to twenty tiny kids being shot dead is beyond me.

"Gun buying frenzy":

If they buy all the ammo, it means that the nut jobs committing these crimes won't be able to get any. Those crafty Americans.

The NRA spokespeople have to be the most boring people ever.
How long does it take to draft and pass a ban? Then how exactly do you ban 300+ million guns? The gun owners haven't just bought enough for themselves, they've bought enough for their kids and grand kids. You'd still have millions buried in the ground, hidden in walls and the like.

Brownells, the world's largest supplier of firearms, has reportedly sold three-and-a-half years worth of magazines in just seventy-two hours.

One of the comments on that page sort of says it all:-

I started stocking up the instant the last ban expired. I have more than enough now. I refuse to be a victim of government bans when I did nothing wrong. No, I wont turn them in. No I wont comply. I dont need to panic buy.

It highlights the problem when people consider their rights more important than others. I for example would like to drive at 100mph along all roads. But I lose this right as society says for the better good of all, I cannot.
Quite clearly they need to encourage everyone to carry guns. The solution is not banning but instead putting more and more guns in the hands of ordinary people.

Teachers should have mandatory firearms training.

If the teachers in the latest shooting had had handguns only 1-3 people would have died instead of 26 (or whatever).

A couple of guns in those teachers' hands would have ended the matter within 5 minutes.

The solution is CATEGORICALLY NOT banning or removing guns. The lunatics will ALWAYS find guns and if you ban ordinary people from owning them they will be totally defenceless.

It's good to see the America people reacting the sensible way by going out and buying guns in vast quantities - stocking up for Christmas, so to speak!
Oh God, they've gotten to the point of blaming video games...

This is nothing new.

After columbine they blamed video games, they blamed R&B music, they blamed Marilyn Manson, they blamed violet movies, heck they are even questioning Quentin Tarrantino at the moment as he does he press stuff for Django Unchained claiming violent movies like his are to blame.
Anyone watching the nra speech? If so, please god tell me I am not the only one to find this guy and his ideas terrifying!
Teachers should have mandatory firearms training.

If the teachers in the latest shooting had had handguns only 1-3 people would have died instead of 26 (or whatever).

A couple of guns in those teachers' hands would have ended the matter within 5 minutes.
And on that day when a teacher goes postal and luckily has a gun to hand, and immediately starts venting his anger with bullets, we'll then start arming the kids?

The solution is CATEGORICALLY NOT banning or removing guns. The lunatics will ALWAYS find guns and if you ban ordinary people from owning them they will be totally defenceless.
The thing is to make it as difficult as possible. A determined loon will succeed of course, but let's put as many hurdles in the way as possible.
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