Antec 900 or Antec 182

12 Aug 2007
ive been browsing the fourms to see views on good cooling cases, many ppl av been recommending the antec cases for their great cooling purposes and i could not make my mind up which one to choose. I see that the antec 182 is a little more expensive than the 900 but is it worth those couple more pounds? please can u post ** views to help me out.

u can also recommend other cases for me to av a look. my budget *** be no more than £90.

cheers guys
900 has better cooling (slightly)

but the 182 has more space and is quieter and more expensive.


ppl will recomend the akaska eclipse but i think it looks crap.
yantorsen said:
ppl will recomend the akaska eclipse but i think it looks crap.
Nah, I was going to recommend the PC-7. :p
I have the Antec 900. To me it looks amazing, a lot nicer in real life, also the cooling is really good and i wouldnt swap it for anything in its price range. My only problem with it is that it can get a a bit dusty rather quick.
p182 all the way!

bought my p182 yesterday, with a Corsair Hx620w. and loving it already. totally worth it.

i was also deciding between 900 and p182, but at OCuk's "show room", i saw how tacky 900 is, the p182 looks professional, it looks like a real computer

edit: a few pics of the p182 bought from OCuk, great value, superb build quality. and very good looking (sorry about image quality)




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I have the 900 and I think if i bought again i would get the p182, having said that the cooling on the 900 is excellent.
I've just gotten one of these myself, its a beauty no doubt about it. I'm right in the middle of building it up albeit still waiting for my G0 Q6600 to arrive.

I have a quick question, if you don't mind:

The optional "front fan", i.e. the one in front of the upper compartment's hard-drive module - how are you fixing it in place?

I've jammed surplus rubber gromets above and below the fan to hold it, somewhat poorly, in place.

I was wondering if you had a better solution?
mk17 said:
I've just gotten one of these myself, its a beauty no doubt about it. I'm right in the middle of building it up albeit still waiting for my G0 Q6600 to arrive.

I have a quick question, if you don't mind:

The optional "front fan", i.e. the one in front of the upper compartment's hard-drive module - how are you fixing it in place?

I've jammed surplus rubber gromets above and below the fan to hold it, somewhat poorly, in place.

I was wondering if you had a better solution?

I just unclipped the black plastic bracket and screwed the fan onto it, like the picture posted a few posts back, or am i mis-understanding?
masterk said:
I just unclipped the black plastic bracket and screwed the fan onto it, like the picture posted a few posts back, or am i mis-understanding?

Nope, that's spot on. Thanks buddy. :)
There should be some metal clips to hold the fan onto the upper hard drive cage? They should be in the box of bits with the drive rails?

Edit: That's if you want to keep the drive cage of course, so that it cools your Graphics card area...
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Tooks said:
There should be some metal clips to hold the fan onto the upper hard drive cage? They should be in the box of bits with the drive rails?

Edit: That's if you want to keep the drive cage of course, so that it cools your Graphics card area...

Cheers mate :) . While there are clips to hold the rearward fan to the rear of the hard-drive cage, the fan closest to the front of the chassis grips on to the plastic template between the chassis and upper-cage - as mentioned above by MasterK. And, fwiw, missed by me initially, hence my silly rubber grommit placeholders :D.

Mounting the rearward fan (with the clips) means you can't use the upper cage to house hard-drives - but that's fine with me, my system drive, and 3 raid drives are in the lower chamber.

Obviously, still without my cpu - for about another week - so I haven't spun it up yet, but its a tremendous case and I'd have no hesitation recommending it even at this early stage.
I went for the Antec 900 as I needed cooling over looks, but obviously the 182 would have been my second choice.

Stick to a good solid steel chassis, and in my experience Antec IS still the best.


looks almost identical to mine ! except somehow i managed to route a few more cables through the back.

Intresting fan movement btw, did you find it improved case temperatures much ?

Go for the p182 for elegance and sophistication , or the 900 for slightly better temperatures and show off potential.
Got my P182 SE today, and got everything installed.

First impressions were hmmm ... not amazing, the top panel was not fitted corectly, one of the tabs at the front was not in the small slot, I had to force it in with a screwdriver.

But once I got started, have to say this case is lovely!!!

I've never been able to route so many cables behind the tray before!


Considering the price difference, would people recommend getting the Antec 182 over the Lian Li PC-7??
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