Anti-semitic is a bit of a push, no?

this is my point exactly! the people who are looking for this stuff are the real racists. I looked at the image and didnt see anything to do with Jews. Therefore clearly the stereotype has no meaning for me. a.n other looked at it and saw jews. who is the anti semetic?

The banker characters are painted like a rip off of some Nazi propaganda poster...

To not realise that is perhaps just naivety, did people not see stuff like this during history lessons at school? Corbyn got a couple of Es at A-level IIRC so the naivety angle is perhaps the likely one.

He doesn't strike me as someone who is racist, he does seem to be a fairly stupid person.
It's worth remembering that Corbyn's middle east views are extremely unpopular with Israel supporters: they simply don't want him in power.

To that end, you need to take these attacks from very pro-Israel groups like the Jewish Leadership Council with the appropriate pinch of salt.

That said, I have to admit ignorance on most anti-Semitism issues: I just have very little understanding of it altogether.
I could predict something like this would happen because of the amount of people from the Muslim community who join Labour meant the Palestine issue would always become more central.
The reports are of a reply to a comment about the 'Freedom of Humanity' mural by some fella going by the alias mear one
IIRC Corbyn has already apologised for that comment days ago, apparently he didn't look at the image properly but on a second glance the antisemitism was obvious so he retracted.
It because they do not want Corbyn in power as

A- They are going to lose money
B - They dislike his views on palastein
C - Stealing land against UN votes will be back on the table (as it should)
D - They moan as if they are the only alleged minority hard done by.
It's worth remembering that Corbyn's middle east views are extremely unpopular with Israel supporters: they simply don't want him in power.

To that end, you need to take these attacks from very pro-Israel groups like the Jewish Leadership Council with the appropriate pinch of salt.

I think it is sometimes useful to perhaps insert other scenarios into statements like this.

I think it is worth remembering that Trumps immigration views make him very unpopular with Mexicans...

That probably wouldn't be a good excuse if he were accused of liking some cartoon with a steriotype related to Mexicans.
It because they do not want Corbyn in power as

A- They are going to lose money
B - They dislike his views on palastein
C - Stealing land against UN votes will be back on the table (as it should)
D - They moan as if they are the only alleged minority hard done by.

You might as well add some brackets to the (((they)))s there while you're at it.

Seems like they idea that they are some homogenous entity who share the same views doesn't just persist on the far right.
I think it is sometimes useful to perhaps insert other scenarios into statements like this.

I think it is worth remembering that Trumps immigration views make him very unpopular with Mexicans...

That probably wouldn't be a good excuse if he were accused of liking some cartoon with a steriotype related to Mexicans.
What part of this story about a mural relates to Israel?
The story is about much more than a mural.
You might as well add some brackets to the (((they)))s there while you're at it.

Seems like they idea that they are some homogenous entity who share the same views doesn't just persist on the far right.
The fact that the characters on this mural look like Jewish bankers is nothing but a (((coincidence))).
The story is about much more than a mural.

Well it's certianly about much more that criticising Israel as the other poster seemed to indicate. Though the mural was the reason for the thread, which isn't specifically related to Israel but simply dodgy Jewish stereotypes. Then of course you come in with some dubious excuse and the other poster cites Israel too etc...
The fact that the characters on this mural look like Jewish bankers is nothing but a (((coincidence))).

Pretty much everyone, including Corbyn, is now saying the mural was anti-Semitic. The only people not are the ones trying to either defend Corbyn or to attack the Jewish Leadership council.
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