Any Drum & Bass DJs inside?

Liking the mix kemistry (downloaded it in the other thread you posted it in).

I mix dnb too, have raved to it for years, got a pair of 1210s a few months ago, just in the middle of perfecting beat matching atm, bit hard with working shift work, but i'm getting there.

Tend to mix a lot of jump up and liquidy stuff, loving the mix though, makes a nice change.... nice rolling bass lines and crisp beats :D

That's the thing I love about dnb, there are sooo many different types of tunes to listen to, depending on the mood you are in.

Latest order was :

1 x D Bridge, True romance / Bellini - Metalheadz Platinum

1 x Artificial Intelligence / Q Project, Uprising VIP / Soul star - Liquid
V, LQD 006

1 x Matrix vs. Future Bound, Strength 2 strength / Crystal maze - Metro
vs. Viper, MTRRVPR 001

1 x Various Artists - Dimentions EP, Subfocus - Citizen Kane / Shimon &
Moving Fusion - Mysterons (Baron remix) / Sparfunk - Dimentions X / Xample
& Crystal Clear - Heaven & Hell - Ram Records, RAMM 058

1 x Distorted Minds, Searchin' / Impulse - D-Style Recordings, DSR 009

1 x DJ Zinc, Steppin stones (Zinc & Friction remix) / Mistral - Bingo
Beats, BINGO 041

1 x Artificial Intelligence, Bloodlines / Marlarone dreams - Widescreen
Recordings, WR 002

1 x Weekend special! Zinc - In Bass We Trust, Creeper (Vocal remix) /
Creeper (Intrumental remix) / Thinking back (feat. Makoto & Stamina MC) /
Steroids - Bingo Beats, BINGO 058

1 x Commix, Talk to frank (remastered) / Electric - Metalheadz, METH 072R
Limited White Vinyl

1 x Michael Jackson, Human nature (Makoto bootleg remix) - 2006

Came through the post today :D
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That mean your up for a mix soon :cool: I shall rob you of steroidz tho! I love that tune but aint willing to pay for the whole EP as i aint feeling most of it.

Today i bought

Dj Die & Clipz - #1 (Roni Size RMX)
High contrast - Racing Green

Only the two but it'll do for now :)
Dj Die & Clipz - #1 (Roni Size RMX)

Big tune ^^

Mmmm what did i order the other day..

Chase and Status - The Druids EP
Noisia - Facade
Dj Die & Clipz - #1 (Roni Size RMX)
Brockie and Ed Solo - Represant (C+S Rmx)
Alex Reece - Pulp Fiction (for the classicness)

Got some other older stuff aswell off Ram etc.

Loving the liquid scene atm though, Alix Perez is smashing the tunes out atm, got a lot of his stuff on pre order.

Also for you DnB fans, BIG BIG night hitting in the Dam at the end of April for Queens Day. Going over for it, Randal doing a huge set.

Cant wait :D:D
Chase & Status - The druids has gotta be one of the best tracks ever! I love mixing this tune! Right up there with Krust - War head, tunes you can drop in any where really :cool:

The lemon D remix of Pulp Fiction is **** hot! I need that tune in my collection :D

Randall is playing in Swindon end of this month on Valve, so im hoping for some old skool jungle bizziness ;)
Ye man The Druids is a heavy tune, always gets people going.

Not heard the Lemon D remix, ill have a browse on that now :D

Cant decide what to buy next week on the vinyl side, anyone got any suggestions for some big tunes out/coming out?

EDIT* Ben Westbeech & DJ Die - Closer .... Need to get that tune :D

Feeling/missing ( :P ) a lot of older stuff at the moment, like Omni Trio and most stuff on Moving Shadow label to be honest, just hard to get and so damn erxpensive :(

Dams gonna be big if anyone can make it though, no party like a party in Holland :D
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Big!! I thought that the thread had come to the end of its life after showing that we do a have a couple of dnb heads on here, wicked to see more have showed up!!

On the download man, will let u know what i think.

The bits im waiting on are on Shogun Audio (DJ Frictions label as most of you know)

Alix Perez & Sabre - Solitary Native (HUGE tune)
Alix Perez & Fats - Down the Line (wicked also)

They promo'd a couple of weeks ago, so probably only 2-3 weeks, but then Commix- Talk to Frank took absolutely years and got put back 3 times I think :S
Alix Perez & Sabre - Solitary Native (HUGE tune)
Alix Perez & Fats - Down the Line (wicked also)

Both VERY big, im wanting these also, cant wait to get my hands on them.

Cant get the Lemon D remix to play at all :(

Anyway indeed, big up the DnB listeners on here :D
R5Rich said:
That mean your up for a mix soon :cool: I shall rob you of steroidz tho! I love that tune but aint willing to pay for the whole EP as i aint feeling most of it.

Sure, we'll have to sort out a mix soon :D I quite like the EP, the Creepers remix has a funky bass line.

Dark_Injection said:
Cant decide what to buy next week on the vinyl side, anyone got any suggestions for some big tunes out/coming out?

A.I - Bloodlines

Matrix and Futurebound - Universal Truth

b side to ^ is Skyscraper

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oOOOooOOOOO nice

B. Dillinja - Human B-Bop
C. Dillinja (feat. MC Fats) - I Told You How To Rock
D. Dillinja - All Aboard
J. Dillinja - Go Dillinja

Huuuuuuuge chooons :cool:
Smiley Man said:
beatmatching and mixing is a skill whether or not you do it in the club or at home beforehand :confused:

ive seen a few top trance DJs doing their stuff, and yeah you may think they pre mix stuff, but its just cos their beatmatching is so damn fast you think that they've pre mixed it

you're confusing the matter though.

I know of several DJ's that are getting booked playing off CD's, all you do is press play, thats not DJing and it certainly requires much less skill than beatmatching two records or CD's or a combination.

DJ's who mix fast have honed their artform. Andy C, Friction, Fierce, Pascal....

To compare the skill required to mix properly on the fly in public or private is much harder to learn than clicking the tempo presets in logic or reason and burning a CD.
Smokey McPot said:
you're confusing the matter though.

I know of several DJ's that are getting booked playing off CD's, all you do is press play, thats not DJing and it certainly requires much less skill than beatmatching two records or CD's or a combination.

DJ's who mix fast have honed their artform. Andy C, Friction, Fierce, Pascal....

To compare the skill required to mix properly on the fly in public or private is much harder to learn than clicking the tempo presets in logic or reason and burning a CD.

you're thinking about making a set in ableton and burning it to cd...

which is totally different to CD mixing, where you do have to beatmatch cds together

i know this is dnb but regardi trance djs...armin van buuren does all his radio shows in ableton...that doesnt make him crap by any means
I'm not thinking about making a set in ableton at all.

I'm talking about DJ's that are sent tunes, make sure they're all the same tempo when they're burnt to CD or cut to dub, so they can be played without having to adjust the pitch on a deck.
Smokey McPot said:
I'm not thinking about making a set in ableton at all.

I'm talking about DJ's that are sent tunes, make sure they're all the same tempo when they're burnt to CD or cut to dub, so they can be played without having to adjust the pitch on a deck.

i've never known of any DJs who do that...i certainly dont :eek:

next time im in a club i will watch closely as the DJ cues up the incoming tune and see what he does
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