any films you admit crying whilst watching?

26 Nov 2006
guildford, surrey
Anyone here brave enough to admit they've cried in films? for me it was the green mile, the ending is very sad where the black guy gets executed for a crime he didnt do.

Cast Away nearly did it, thats quite sad at the end, same with terminator 2, the bit where arnie is lowered into the molton steel, and when his whole body is under, and only his arm left, its doing a thumbs up to john.

I no loads of people and friends that admit they cried in titanic, but i didnt in that, found it boring lol :P
Saving Private Ryan and Forest Gump are the only two films really that get me going.

The bit where forest is talking to Jennys grave.

And the bit where Wade is shot and there all around him trying to save him.
Bridge to Terabithia most recently.

Hotel Rwanda

Million Dollar Baby

and probably a fair few others that I just can't remember atm.
RSH said:
Saving Private Ryan and Forest Gump are the only two films really that get me going.

The bit where forest is talking to Jennys grave.

And the bit where Wade is shot and there all around him trying to save him.

oh yeah forest gump was pretty sad at the end, great film though.
Oh yea, recently saw THIS film, and I was crying almost all through the second half of it.

Also cried watching Band of Brothers at some points.
the elephant man wish they'd make an alternate ending where he just goes to bed and gets a good nights sleep ready for the day ahead of him
Baz said:
The Green Mile.... :(

Yup have to admit that i had tears welling up in my eyes..such a sad end for the guy, John Coffey.

One thing that i coudlnt get my head around is that he saved the Wardens wife but yet he, the warden couldnt do anything to save him from being electrocuted:(. The ending where Tom Hanks was talking was quite sad as well, his punishment for letting an innocent man die was to have immortality up to a certain extent.

Still probably the only movie thats ever made me cry.
The Land Before Time
Big Fish

...The Crying Game left me crying in the shower, scrubbing myself like a rape victim...

probably because john coffey said to tom hanks character that hes tired of people being 'ugly' to each other in the world, and wants to die or something.
First Blood Part 1............ only joking :p

Saving Private Ryan and Good WIll Hunting both make me emotional but ive never cried cause im a man ! :p
AI - Not proud of this one.

Boys Don't Cry - Ironically enough.

Grave of the Fireflies - Saw many reviews saying how sad it was, strange though being an animation and all, maybe I just felt bad at the time.
penski said:
The Land Before Time
that film made me cry afterwards, it gave me nightmares for about a week (for some inexplicable reason)

The Lion King never fails to set me off
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