any films you admit crying whilst watching?

I think it would take a lot for a movie to make me cry, I've been plenty moved by a lot of films but none have made me upset enough to cry.

I blame it on de-sensitisation caused by years of playing ultra violent computing games and watching malevolent films.

I'm off to kill someone now - brb
chrisstevens said:
Brotherhood (Tae Guk Gi)
A couple of time's I think
Definately agree. The ending had me weeping for some reason.

Also Forest Gump - a serious cotender for my favourite ever film - has me going at times.
Tenacious D - The Pick of Destiny.

After all JB and KG went through to get it, they accidentally broke the pick of destiny, I was inconsolable in the cinema. :(
a lot of films make me cry (all of the ones mentioned that i have seen have, but strangely enough i didnt get that weepy at the end of the green mile)

the only ones which come to mind at the moment are probably the gladiator, phonebooth and click, well those are the top contenders anyway :D

edit: add vanilla sky and american history x to that list
j00ni said:
that film made me cry afterwards, it gave me nightmares for about a week (for some inexplicable reason)

Its when Littlefoot's mum dies...I just start bawling like a toddler in a swimming pool.

Green Mile is the only one really.

One where a labrador gets lots up in the mountains and then is found, when I was younger. Can't remember what It was called.
I thought the ending to brotherhood was too 'hollywood' although it was emotional.

I've never cried at a film although Oldboy and the godtfather part III are also very emotional.
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