any films you admit crying whilst watching?

tomanders91 said:
Anyone here brave enough to admit they've cried in films? for me it was the green mile, the ending is very sad where the black guy gets executed for a crime he didnt do.

Cast Away nearly did it, thats quite sad at the end, same with terminator 2, the bit where arnie is lowered into the molton steel, and when his whole body is under, and only his arm left, its doing a thumbs up to john.

I no loads of people and friends that admit they cried in titanic, but i didnt in that, found it boring lol :P

None. I don't see the need to, films aren't real :rolleyes: :p

(Random: :eek: Ubuntu just showed me a picture of one of those scientific ball thingys of Cocaine Oo)
Aye, i'm going to try and watch it again soon actually, I think it's a really good film, much better than the slightly more blockbusting Armageddon.

The saddest parts for me are when the chap's mum (I forget which character) is saying bye to him over the phone, as she's too old to be selected for the underground shelters to survive the impact, and when the daughter is with her father on the beach waiting for the tsunami to hit. You can't help but put yourself in said positions!
United 93 got me a bit at the end where their struggling to regain control of the plane and you see the ground approaching and then all of a sudden darkness, and then the music just tops it all off. :(
Andelusion said:
Aye, i'm going to try and watch it again soon actually, I think it's a really good film, much better than the slightly more blockbusting Armageddon.

The saddest parts for me are when the chap's mum (I forget which character) is saying bye to him over the phone, as she's too old to be selected for the underground shelters to survive the impact, and when the daughter is with her father on the beach waiting for the tsunami to hit. You can't help but put yourself in said positions!

Yea, that's the bit I remember. The blonde woman standing with her dad and then you see the tsunami rising up. :(
Holliday said:
AI - Not proud of this one.

Thank God I'm not the Only one!!...

1, Empire of the Sun - At the End when he's reunited with his parents, and just doesn't show any emotions, after what he's been through!!.
2, Titanic - (Not Proud of this), The 'Sinking' of the Ship with the Band still playing and all the scenes of people not evacuating!.
3, AI - (Not Proud AT ALL!!), At the End when he gets just one more night with his Mummy (God Damn I've got a lump in me throat just picturing the scene! :mad: ).
4, Bi-centennial Man, At the End when he Dies just before being granted 'Human' status!.

The Wife won't let me watch any of em!! :(
Simian said:
Thank God I'm not the Only one!!...

3, AI - (Not Proud AT ALL!!), At the End when he gets just one more night with his Mummy (God Damn I've got a lump in me throat just picturing the scene! :mad: ).

Thats the reason I cry at it. My parents both died when I was 6. So the ending of the film in some way is quite,..... how can I put it.?:(

You know.

Crying now.. see ya later.
The most recent one for me was Click. I guessed the twist about half way through and pretty much knew it was going to happen, but it still had me crying like a waterfall near the end. :(

Forest Gump is one as well. Gets me everytime. :(
a few of the ones mentioned but i think the first one i remember properly was "Jack" with robin williams. even though it was meant to be a comedy it really got me for some reason.
Never ending story is pretty sad when Atreyus horse drowns in the marshes :(, remember getting a bit of a lump in the throat on that! :(
Why does Green Mile make people cry? I thought it was an awesome movie but uh? :confused: . Lol at wild bill though, when he p's on the guards leg then the guard get's the fire hose on him haha.
Again not enough to make me cry, but the end of "The Killing Fields" was pretty damn moving.
SK07 said:
Why does Green Mile make people cry? I thought it was an awesome movie but uh? :confused: . Lol at wild bill though, when he p's on the guards leg then the guard get's the fire hose on him haha.

I suppose its coz we know that John Coffey didnt kill those girls but he still goes down for it plus after helping cure Tom Hanks and that guys wife.

<3 for Mr Jingles :)
Armageddon for me as well, though mostly for the bit when Chick's son (who his wife wouldn't let him see) runs toward him after they return to Earth.
Another vote for Forrest Gump as well (I miss you Jenny...).
There are three that get to me:

1) Watership Down- At the end of the film when Hazel sees the vision of the White Rabbit and lays down to die.

2) A Bridge Too Far- At the end the British paratroopers are singing "Abide With Me" as they wait for the Germans to accept their surrender.

3) Brassed Off- Early in the film when the band are rehearsing Rodrigo's "En Aranjuez Con Tu Amor".

I blub every time at those.
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