Any girls find guys with 'ruddy skin tone' hot?

Man of Honour
19 Oct 2002
Looks is just one part of desirability. If you're not the best looking then be better in other ways; confidence, humour, fitness, wealth, etc.
21 Apr 2016
Oh Canada!
I'm actually cringing for you. Roar does his normal misc garbage (be alpha, get ripped, bang hardbodies) but I don't think a millenial youtube star with a Valley accent and a sometimes boyfriend who inhales Cheetos for breakfast when he's not LARPing is an 11. Unless it's out of 100.

Physically she's an 11. Personality wise she's about as interesting as a brick.
27 Dec 2009
Listen man, women like different things, just like men do. Your appearance is no guarantee that you'll have bad luck with women. Just SOME women. Check out sssniperwolf's channel on youtube and look at her boyfriend. He's fat. he's ugly. She's an 11 out of 10 and he's like a 2. It happens.

We've all seen couples where we've gone "Whoa, seriously?" Because either the man or the woman is hideous (to us) in comparison to their partner. Different strokes for different folks. I have an e-friend who is female and quite attractive and she likes fat men.

Before I got fat and started losing my hair women used to find me pretty attractive and I got hit on pretty often but for some reason I gravitated to uggos. I look back at some of my gf's from years past and I can't believe I ever found them attractive, but I did.

My first serious gf looked like the kraken from pirates of the Caribbean.

Life is like a box of chocolates.

Do you have a blog I can follow?

Actually your wise words remind me of a guy I used to work with; tall, smartly dressed, seemed popular with the girls in the office etc. I was genuinely a bit taken aback when I met his wife one day - plain is simply not an adequate word to describe her. I did find out later that her parents are apparently loaded though...
21 Apr 2016
Oh Canada!
Do you have a blog I can follow?

Actually your wise words remind me of a guy I used to work with; tall, smartly dressed, seemed popular with the girls in the office etc. I was genuinely a bit taken aback when I met his wife one day - plain is simply not an adequate word to describe her. I did find out later that her parents are apparently loaded though...

Sadly I do not have a blog but I'm here several times a day.
29 Jul 2011
In acme's chair.
Following on from something I read above - My second girlfriend... If I look at a picture of her now my thoughts are generally "Oh Jesus Christ..." but at the time I remember looking her in the face, laying next to her in bed, and telling her in complete sincerity that I found her beautiful. And perhaps I did.

Love does strange things! :)
21 Apr 2016
Oh Canada!
Following on from something I read above - My second girlfriend... If I look at a picture of her now my thoughts are generally "Oh Jesus Christ..." but at the time I remember looking her in the face, laying next to her in bed, and telling her in complete sincerity that I found her beautiful. And perhaps I did.

Love does strange things! :)

I've been there. I never stayed with the beautiful ones. All my long term relationships were with uggos. Some were hot... butter faces if you will (do you have that term in the UK?), but ya... idk what I was thinking.
My first GF was a kraken horse faced beast with leg hair as thick as bamboo that she would rarely do anything about. She also had personal hygiene issues. "I haven't bathed in the past 5 days because I've been in the swimming pool. It's the same thing".... .... .... She was also a marijuana addict to the 10th degree. Woke up in the middle of the night to pee? Marijuana. At school? Got 2 minutes between classes? Marijuana. Haven't smoked marijuana in the last 60 minutes? Marijuana. Just got up? Marijuana. Time for bed? Marijuana. Marijuana? Marijuana. Her favourite thing about going camping with her sister in law was how much weed the sister in law would bring with her, rather than the actual company. She was a loser. Still is AFAIK. Did I mention she had beaver teeth? Oh and also when she was driving the car she would not allow me to have control of the window on my side of the car. If I rolled it down she would roll it back up from her side defending her actions by saying that as the driver her needs and wants were most important because she had to be comfortable to drive properly. Also she was bi-sexual and always asking me to try to set up girl/girl action for her. She propositioned her friend of 10 years with a 3-way (This girl is straight as an arrow btw) and destroyed that friendship. Funny thing is the friend was way more attractive than her and told me years later that she would have totally slept with me but didn't want the kraken in the way.


If I can love a horse faced woman, the OP can find a non-horse-faced woman to love him. Or maybe he likes horse faced women? Who am I to judge. I've been there.


Am a bit worried as the 'tall/dark/handsome' aspects of males seems to be what women go for... How do you compete as a ruddy skinned fella in todays age? I am still quite young but look like a cross between Les Batersby and Bill Clinton in the skin stakes? Any girls find this attrctive or am I always playing second fidde to hot tanned guys? What do you reckon?

You can always make yourself crimson orange and change things up. If the leader of the free world can do it you can too ;)

And remember that there are multiple avenues of approach to relationships, as far as looks are concerned, and potential (probable even) benefits and drawbacks to these.

Example, my friend, we'll call him Jeff, in high school, was a decent looking guy and dated many female classmates. Attractive ones. He eventually got married to what I can only describe as Jabba the Hutt from Return of the Jedi with curly brown hair. I don't know if she eats frogs out of a fish bowl and has an evil cackling cat rat thing that lives on her shoulder but if she did I'd have no trouble believing it.
Anyways his logic was that, yes, she was ugly, and yes, he didn't enjoy sleeping with her, or even looking at her for that matter, but (his words not mine. I'm not the monster here. Don't shoot the messenger) "She'll never leave me because I'm such a catch for her, and she knows she doesn't have looks to work with, so she does all the cooking and cleaning and looks after the kids. besides, if I married an attractive woman she'd just be ugly by sixty anyways". While I can see his logic, this is not the avenue I would take. Also, he named his kids after rocks.
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12 Sep 2012
Grow a beard and go rugged like some sort of GOT character. Although i am dark skinned and far from lurpak, i cant grow a strong beard due to the recent stigma with dark skin, bearded men.
20 Apr 2014
Listen man, women like different things, just like men do. Your appearance is no guarantee that you'll have bad luck with women. Just SOME women. Check out sssniperwolf's channel on youtube and look at her boyfriend. He's fat. he's ugly. She's an 11 out of 10 and he's like a 2. It happens.
I don’t think they are even a real couple it looks staged to me as he always seems to be posing for pics trying to look as grotesque as possible just to gain her more nerdy fans that will think they might have a chance one day.
Lol at her being an 11 she’s about a 7 at best
10 May 2012
I'm actually cringing for you. Roar does his normal misc garbage (be alpha, get ripped, bang hardbodies) but I don't think a millenial youtube star with a Valley accent and a sometimes boyfriend who inhales Cheetos for breakfast when he's not LARPing is an 11. Unless it's out of 100.

I literally said lift weights because muscles are more attractive to women than not having muscles, I didn't say anything about being alpha or even getting ripped, you utter clown.
26 Feb 2009
Norn Iron
Example, my friend, we'll call him Jeff, in high school, was a decent looking guy and dated many female classmates. Attractive ones. He eventually got married to what I can only describe as Jabba the Hutt from Return of the Jedi with curly brown hair. I don't know if she eats frogs out of a fish bowl and has an evil cackling cat rat thing that lives on her shoulder but if she did I'd have no trouble believing it.
Anyways his logic was that, yes, she was ugly, and yes, he didn't enjoy sleeping with her, or even looking at her for that matter, but (his words not mine. I'm not the monster here. Don't shoot the messenger) "She'll never leave me because I'm such a catch for her, and she knows she doesn't have looks to work with, so she does all the cooking and cleaning and looks after the kids. besides, if I married an attractive woman she'd just be ugly by sixty anyways". While I can see his logic, this is not the avenue I would take. Also, he named his kids after rocks.
Lol brilliant. What rocks may I ask? I can't say I'm well versed in rock names so genuinely curious.
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