I'll throw out a few boring things:
-Shelving, you will be surprised at how less cluttered they can make a room feel with the same amount of stuff in because effectively they are utilising space higher up in the room(I don't always practice what I preach, we have piles of DVDs near the DVD etc and it looks rubbish)
-Decent power drill for DIY work
-Standalone grill (George Foreman etc)
-Temporary seating that can be used when you have lots of guests but put away at other times (poofs, deckchairs etc)
-Some means of cooling for hot summer months (fans, air conditioning)
-Shoe rack (one of our most surprisingly awesome purchases, it's great, we have it in the hall and it holds about 12-16 pairs of shoes plus space on top for putting keys, pens, mail, coin jar etc basically all the crap you want to put to one side when you get home. I can't believe we lived without it for so long... shoes randomly scattered in the hall/kitchen/downstairs loo..... keys forever getting dumped on the kitchen surfaces and then misplaced etc)