Any parcel collection locker service around London?

14 Oct 2018
Hi! Are there any parcel lockers around London that I can get any parcel delivered to? I found one called InPost but apparently it only works with online shopping websites that have an option for delivery to InPost parcel lockers. Back in Australia we used to be able to freely collect parcels from these parcel lockers just by registering for one and using our parcel locker address as the delivery address. Thanks!
There some amazing ones around here, assume there's some in London

Yeah there's this one called Parcel Motel in Ireland which is pretty much exactly what I want but it's only in Ireland.

All the ones I've seen are only for online orders not person to person.

Can you have something delivered to the post office,

I only need it for online orders. I don't think it makes a difference though. I'm looking for a parcel locker where you use your parcel locker address as the delivery address, so it doesn't matter where the parcel comes from. How do you pick up parcels from the Post Office? There's this thing called Local Collect where you can collect your parcel from the Post Office but it looks like it's only for websites that have an option for it.
They can receive anything but it has to be a royal mail delivery they won't take like a parcelforce one. And Theyr e expensive 25 quid a no th

Sorry if I'm being really stupid but aren't PO boxes these safe like things at the Post Office that you open with a key? And the Royal Mail offers them at only one price point and the pictures of them look pretty small, so they wouldn't even fit most parcels? In Australia you could get them in different sizes but I'm pretty sure they were still only for A4 letters, not parcels. And do you mean DHL/UPS/etc. won't work with them?

Thanks! I think that should do.

Nah They're dead and gone the lock boxes. Basicsly its jist delivery to a post office of your choosing where its held (kinda like a missed delivery) or they can repost them on to your real adress.

A PO box is really just meant to hide your adress so you can appear more professional as a business.

There is no box any more.

And yeah they will only take royalmail stuff as dpd etc csnt deliver as there's no one to sign so you'll just get a missed delivery card when you go to get your mail

Ah okay so I just pick it up over the counter (only during the Post Office's opening hours tho)?
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