Any retail shopfloor workers working on Christmas eve?

17 Nov 2018
Not me but it'll be interesting to drop in here throughout the day to see any up to date reports and to read about people deciding to turn up five/four minutes to closing time and coming up with
'But it isn't ten o'clock yer'
'I'll only be two minutes (then spend half the time on facebook slagging the shop staff off and saying how selfish we are , text messaging, checking emails, making phonecalls then just leave THEIR shopping in the middle of the aisle/at the till and walk out. People like that don't realise that the staff have to put THEIR shopping back for them).
'I've only want a couple of small items'
'Go on. It's Christmas'
'Where's your Chirstmas spirit?'
'I'm writing to head office'
and the sad facebook post/Daily mail sad face look and title 'you've just ruined my family's christmas'
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Please tell me the shops opening until ten o'clock, I might need some last minute items.

Thanks for reminding me of an incident that happened on a night shift a few months back.
The same shoplifter came in twice in ten minutes and kicked off both times, resulting in the shop having to close half an hour early and two customers having to leave.
Are you suggesting I'm a shoplifter?

I honestly don't know how to spot one but I've innocently helped a few who've turned out to be shoplifters and been alerted to a few suspicious people who turned out to be shoplifters by customers.

I think the asiest way to catch one is when they kick off when get stopped by security and I've seen people walk in off the street, grab a fridge pack of lager/cider then walk out without paying and I'ver only ever been lucky to catch a couple in the act once (I was leaving as they were about to do a runner with some washing up power but they got away),
Isn't there a special forum for retail workers to air their grievances etc.

This is about retail shop floor workers working on Christmas eve or not.
I'm off tomorrow (Christmas eve).
The branch of the Co-op I work at didn't win that competition to sell the most Taylor's Port (is it me or is it only available at this time of year like those precooled ham joints that cost on average a fiver?)
I'd usually be working tomorrow but am doing today instead, then back in on Monday. 3am start but at least I have very little to do with the public as I'm behind the scenes unlike the poor sods in the restaurants.
Or you could get a life and enjoy your day off...

I meant drop in here from time to time.
I'm going to and I'm not due back in until Wednesday when there should be a few tasty reductions available (if the customers and rest of the crew haven't claimed all the best ones or not saved some for anybody else like a load of bar stards ).
I've been starting at 3 in the afternoon for the past few fridays so what I'm going to do is open one of my kronens at that time (only my first as I didn't have any last night).

There was a late shift last year when the Co-op were getting rid of a load of bottles of booze which they couldn't sell so me and the rest of the night shift helped ourselves to as many as we could get or carry (I got a couple of bottles of Bailey's and a bottle of Rhubarb gin [which weren't for me] but NO CANS OF LAGER) . You shoulf have seen the tablrful of claimed bottles.
For those of you that typically work Christmas Eve, do you get early finishes or just normal hours?

I generally book the time off, as it's our anniversary on the 22nd so we're away somewhere but that hasn't happened this year. My first company most people worked it, then we'd finish around 12-1pm and go for a beer before heading home. Whereas the last 2 places i've worked never mentioned anything. Maybe because they're more remote offices vs the centre of Manchester.

This year i'm pretty much the only person working, my Teams chat has out of office icons next to virtually everyone, and whilst i'm sure no-one would care if i slacked off (i am currently on OCUK :D) and had an early dart i wondered what other people did.

That's if the pubs haven't been closed yet but I can't believe The Deansgate's permanently closed as that was one of my favourites and The Vine on Kennedy Street and Wetherspoons've stopped doing kronenbourg and Heineken but lept the crappy ones or replaced them).
For a bit of context, we've got a drainage company that have been fighting a blockage for three days now, it's literally one massive solid lump of tampons and sanitary towels with a few tons of foul waste sitting on top of it, so when it finally lets go, it's going to shower these guys as they're drilling from beneath it. They're carrying out these works from a stinky bin store in the freezing cold, and are getting a steady stream of human waste drip on to them. Once they're done, they're on call for the next 5 days so can't go anywhere, can't drink, and need to be at defcon 1 for the entire Christmas period.

Tell me again how leaving your nice warm workplace early on Christmas eve to go and enjoy a Kronenbourg sucks?

It doesn't I'm off todfay (Christmas eve). I said i was going to drop in here from time to time to get the latest reports from shopfloor workers. At the moment it's just cranberry and lemonade
Normally by this time on a Friday afternoon as the past few Fridays have gone, I'd be less than an hour into a 3-8 shift and depending on who's in charge and what's going on I'd end up wanting to carry out a DOOM 2016/Eternal style glory kill on them after so longor wanting to ram a trolley full of stock into somebody due to the stress and grief.

There's nothing like a good session on DOOM/DOOM ETERNAL/THE DOOM ETERNAL DLC/WOLFENSTEIN-THE NEW COLOSSUS after a stressful day on the shopfloor.
Get me another gin!

I don't do gin but I've got a pouffe containg:-
2 bottles of smirnoff and coke
2 cans of smirnoff and cranberry
3 330ml bottles of prosecco
1 bottle Strawberry Sours
1 bottler rasberry Sours
1 bottle Tia Maria
1 bottle chambord
1 bottle Taylor's Port
1 bottle amaretto
1 big bottle prosecco
a few cans of Kronenbourg
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