Any tips on getting used to motion sickness?

Shame, Always fancied trying it but just reading this thread makes me feel sick....So, Yeah, VR isn't for me.

Hopefully down the line control input becomes more seamless, resolution and responsiveness increase, etc. and other tweaks will allow people to do many things in VR as comfortable as in person.
Shame, Always fancied trying it but just reading this thread makes me feel sick....So, Yeah, VR isn't for me.
There are plenty of games you can play in VR that won't make you sick at all, and the whole experience is just remarkable. Even if you are limited in which games you can stomach, it is still well worth it imo.
Yep I would say the same. Just doing stuff like spray painting a wall in Kingspray is as reality in a virtual world gets.
I got dirt rally and then had a couple of goes on them wet tracks online and I never played it again.
Lol there is a single toggle setting in that game that makes a profound difference to sickness for me. The first time I played it I literally drove about 20 yards and stopped. Did a little research, flipped this camera setting, and the next time I played I liked it so much that I bought a wheel/pedals/chair/bass shakers.

Still, this is definitely a "fan on" VR game for me.
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