Anybody here from Stoke on Trent who can smell the smell?

Yeah looks like it’s this way tonight, can smell it inside my house due to the positive air pressure fan :(

BBC said:
The family of a five-year-old with breathing problems are taking the operators of a nearby landfill site to the High Court.

Doctors for Mathew Richards said the odour from Walleys Quarry in Staffordshire was impairing his health.

A medical report also said there was an excessive amount of respiratory illness and death in the area.

The Environment Agency (EA) and the operator, Walleys Quarry Ltd, said work was continuing to address the issues.

Pretty damning really.
Been in that area once last week and the smell was bloody awful, couldn't imagine living with it. How the EA aren't jumping up and down all over the owner I've no idea, maybe they are but the press isn't giving that side?
Been in that area once last week and the smell was bloody awful, couldn't imagine living with it. How the EA aren't jumping up and down all over the owner I've no idea, maybe they are but the press isn't giving that side?

From what I can gather the EA have been less than useless, if anything they’ve sided with the landfill owners and been fairly dismissive of the complaint. All seems a bit fishy. Nice to see the issue picking up some national press.
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Hanley is full of violent dustheads, street drinkers, beggers and other such vermin.

Way way off thread, but years ago I was having a drink with my then girlfriend in an outside bar in Vouliagmeni, nr. Athens, in company with a New York City girl. who was staying in our hotel.
A young couple came in, and ordered coffee in American accents, and our friend asked where they were from.
“Jersey”, they chorused, New York girl said, “Wondered what the smell was.”
Struggling to understand how, as others said, the EA havent laid the smackdown on this issue.

Any other walk of life, you even think about messing with something in their jurisdiction and they are immediately up your bunghole.

How do you even solve an issue like this? Is it the same at most landfills or is there some malpractice going on.

I dont really understand how the system works, do they just fill a bunch of quarries with crap and fill it over?
Struggling to understand how, as others said, the EA havent laid the smackdown on this issue.

Any other walk of life, you even think about messing with something in their jurisdiction and they are immediately up your bunghole.

How do you even solve an issue like this? Is it the same at most landfills or is there some malpractice going on.

I dont really understand how the system works, do they just fill a bunch of quarries with crap and fill it over?

Back handers no other explanation
For the EA to argue on the Landfill's side during the court case is not just shocking but, to me at least, would require an external audit/investigation of the EA's role in this specifically looking for corruption etc.
For the EA to argue on the Landfill's side during the court case is not just shocking but, to me at least, would require an external audit/investigation of the EA's role in this specifically looking for corruption etc.

I concur.
Could you not be bothered to read the few posts before yours. :cry:

well i scrolled up read post 105 and thought, hmmm, here an update. At least i posted the summary beside my link....... more people should bother to do suchlike then I might not have missed it. anyway as you all were. I don't even live there.
I’ve noticed it’s consistently awful around 3:30 - 3:45 am when I’m heading to work yet returning in the evening it’s rare that I notice the smell at all, anyone else find the same?
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