Anyone connected their watercooling to a tap?

Stelly said:
I agree


Been running tap water and antifreeze in my loop for 18 months now and it's not clogged, and a cascade is easier than most waterblocks to clog because of the jet design.

TaKeN said:
Someone needs to create a thread called...

" The CPU Cooling Ideas That Just Wont Work ! "

and then have it turned into a sticky..

In the short time i have been here, ive lost count of the " Mini Fridge " idea lol :)

We had a sticky for watercooling questions and now that there are only two stickies in this forum perhaps Watercooling and Phase Change stuff could be re-stickied from the OC archive. Don please do this!!!!
You'd be a bit stuffed when hose pipe bans get activated - then you would have to go over to proper watercooling tubing
Bundles said:
Been running tap water and antifreeze in my loop for 18 months now and it's not clogged, and a cascade is easier than most waterblocks to clog because of the jet design.


i wouldnt even try to say "my waters great so why would there be problems". if you have nice clean tap water good for you matey, but round these parts its chalk city. I owudltn want to run watercooling on that stuff
I think a better solution would be to connect your mains up to a mini fridge, then to your pc. Obviously the mini fridge would be buried in your garden to keep it cool ....
james.miller said:
i wouldnt even try to say "my waters great so why would there be problems". if you have nice clean tap water good for you matey, but round these parts its chalk city. I owudltn want to run watercooling on that stuff

Sounds good, but in reality for example, a majority of the cars running around the UK have tap water and concentrated antifreeze in their radiators including every one ive owned, and i live in hard water central not one furred up ever and if anyone can say theyve ever seen a car cooling system fail in any shape form and its related to bad water, pull me trousers down and call me John lol ...Surley its same principle.

BTW im not saying water cooling from your tap is a good idea ;)
yeah, its ace for benching or max oc.

I have a block and some pipes that i use for just that occasion.

Dont have a metered water bill either so thats not realy of concern to me but i dont waste anyways. :)
BubbySoup said:
I think a better solution would be to connect your mains up to a mini fridge, then to your pc. Obviously the mini fridge would be buried in your garden to keep it cool ....

can we add a new sticky called 'slap' or somthing for over-asked dumb ideas like this one?

I mean, sure, if you got solid Copper blocks, with 1" tubing and all pressure tested, and then were content to clear the crud out of the system every month or so, AND were happy to front the STUPENDOUS water bill... this might be viaable solution...

On a more approachable note, there was a guy who built a large flat Radiator and dumped it at the bottom of his water tank (which was always 14-15'C) this ment he had about 40 feet of tubing going out a hole in his wall... but hell! temps were good!

I once strapped a minifridge to the side of my PC in my noobishness. It worked, but basically was a lot of effort for around a 2'C drop, it was loud, it was ugly and cooled like a worm juggles chainsaws.

'nuff said

good luck with the tap-WC thing :p
matt100 said:
where's cavemanoc when you need him??


or clearly the mini fridge.. that would own ;)
Toilet!!! - Just thought I'd add some more :D.

Umm, this *could* work but it would need to be carefully planned.

Now about being green - first, I'm a bit of a greenie but I since the recent spate of Thames Water Dummy Spits, I've been thinking a lot about water. It is important to note how much water is actually wasted through unfixed leaks and poor maintenance of the pipelines but Thames Water. Then you consider in our world of 2/3 water, where does this shortage come from? It comes from Water companies wanting to put meters in people's homes and raise prices. It's all from an ecomomic point of view. Building desalinisation plants would negate the need for a ban or water order as we could purify seawater. Obviously, water companies do not want to do this because of the cost of building the plants but I believe they are more economical in the long run when run in conjunction with a purifying plant. Hey just my 2c. It is not that there is a water shortage or anything like that, it is purely for economics that we have bans imposed. Think of the difference these plants could have in other countries where wells are hard to come by etc - yes it means long pipeline from the sea but oil pipelines anyone - I don't see any complaining about those. Still, I'm one of the people who turns off the tap when brushing my teeth just to save that little bit of water and only turn it on when required. Woah, I've been rambling - still felt good to get that off my chest - I know it isn't speaker's corner but hey, it's relevant.
weescott said:
Hose pipe bans in Scotland? Hah! Why do you think we pump so much to England? :p

Yeah that would be something new. The scots seem more sensible when it comes to all thess stupid bans:

1/ Its just flooded so lets implement a hose pipe ban - great common sense that
2/ People drink too much so lets close the pubs at 11 - whoever came up with that idea should be put in front of a firing squad.

+ scotland has much better biking and much better overclocking weather - whens new uni term start - this english weather is really messing everything up
ted34 said:
+ scotland has much better biking

doesn't it just!

I'm stuck here out in the fens, desperately trying to find a mole-hill worthy of throwing myself down to no avail :(

Still, was up at Fort william this time last year... and :eek: it was godly :D

good to see people here do other things than break their PC's and ask minifridge/mains watercooling questions

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