Anyone else busted their ACL

I didn't have a graft, just a ligament fix, debridement and general poke about in my left knee (2 weeks and 3 days now) and there is still swelling above the knee. It's still not as strong as pre-op and there's still pain but I'm not limping anymore. The exercises can be trying though.
I'm now about 13 weeks post-op and the knee is now stronger than it was before the op. I can walk up stairs leading with my left which is a novelty, I'm walking the dog about 5 miles a day now, not running or squatting in the gym yet but have been slowly testing the knee with load and so far so good. A couple of times in these wet conditions while walking the dog, I've lost my footing and instinctively used my leg to stabilise me which does cause pain but the good news is the ligament problem doesn't hurt, just post-op pain from the swelling and poking about so I'm very happy with progress right now.
Thats me now about 9 weeks post op.

Now able to go to the gym and use the exercise bike, cross trainer, rowing machine and leg press.
Trying to go to the gym every second day.

To be honest I'm just happy now that i can walk without a limp lol.
Its amazing the amount of things you take for granted.

So I'm happy with my progress, next physio visit is in 3 weeks and he reckons I should be able to run after that.

Still aches from time to time and there is still a small amount of swelling but at least I can see progress.
Got back from the physio yesterday and my new cruciate is still fine. I have strained a few muscles though so going easy with just stretches for the next week then back to the gym. I cannot tell you how relieved I am. Glad to here everyone is getting on ok.
Finally got signed off from the Specialist on Tuesday! Woot!

Very happy - still going to take it easy though!
Looking like im prolly going to need ACL reconstruction.

My knee has fealt really weak and strange the past couple of days and ive done hardly anything strenuous, only light jogging. Starting at the gym though this week to build up my leg muscle and see if that will help.

Going to get an appointment booked to see the surgeon and see if it would be possible to get it done around christmas time as that would be easist time because of uni and stuff.
Always nice to read positive recovery stories. I damaged my ACL 3 years ago, we decided not to go for surgery because my leg was already a mess from a hip reattachment 6 months before and the prognosis wasn't good at all. So, lots of physio and careful rebuilding, and a couple of minor relapses, later and while it's still not a very good knee, it does more or less the job a knee should- i can cycle again, run very short distances, etc. No idea to what extent the restriction is the aftermath of the hip surgery or the acl damage though. It'll not fully recover but it'll get better than it is.

Broken bones have never bothered me, but soft tissue damage freaks me out!
Going to see the surgeon on 7th Nov to talk about ACL reconstruction and what not.

Well worth it at least for the discussion with your surgeon alone. You just need to be up front about what you want to do in the future!

I was 100% adament I was going to play football again and albeit with a bit of luck I'm doing exactly that now which is fantastic!

Good luck mate!
Well worth it at least for the discussion with your surgeon alone. You just need to be up front about what you want to do in the future!

I was 100% adament I was going to play football again and albeit with a bit of luck I'm doing exactly that now which is fantastic!

Good luck mate!

Glad things are have went well for you pabloB.
I'm still waiting for my ACL operation (see here

To make matters worse the knee specialist guy who i am meant to be seeing is himself going off on the sick as he is having an operation soon. If i dont get seen too in the next month i will be waiting until early next year. They are sooooo slow.

I just want to play footy again *cries* :p

At the moment my knee feels fine day to day. It just feels sometime a bit wierd when i go up stairs or chase after the little'un if she runs away in a shop or something. Then i get a little bit of pain, well, it's not even pain really, i just feels funny.

At the moment i am busy doing quad curls and hamstings curl things to strenghten the two, which will help post op.
At the moment i am busy doing quad curls and hamstings curl things to strenghten the two, which will help post op.

This is crucial - You must build you knee up as best you can pre op becuase the muscle wastage post op is staggering!- Do Squats in your routine and use a Gym ball behind your back and a wall for support as doing a full squat without said support is probablynot a very good idea! I know the following is aimed at pregnant women but this is what I mean (and all I could find to illustrate!) - just in case my description wasn't very clear! As you get better carry some heavy dumbells whilst doing the exercise itself!

Good luck with it and hang in there!
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So i went to see surgeon yesterday and he did the usual ragging around of my leg and he has said he thinks it would be a good idea now to have the operation.

But 'cos I / my parents canny afford private it will have to be NHS, but he will be doing it any way. He said it will prolly be around Febuary time, but I will get letter with the date and when i will see the NHS people for a check up before the operation to see if it is still needed.
Glad this thread came up!
last weekend i dislocated my knee cap, but it went back in its socket on its own, i went to hospital and they have put my leg in a splint, this is about the 5th time its happened in my life, and im 25 years old. I havnt had surgery yet but i am going to ask for a MRI scan tomorrow when im next in

did any of you lot get muscle spasms non stop? and your muscles round your knee tensing really hard on there own?
Pre op assesment 4th December at 1:30

Got my operation on 7th January. :) :)

Great news. :D


pre op is now 18th December
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Good Luck all with a ful recovery.
Did this back in 2004. I am out the otherside with a knee that is almost as good as normal. Can run almost as fast as before and cut on it as before. Played contact sport on it for three years and only had one point where it swelled up so that i needed further physio.
As previously recommended, whilst it is torn and you are waiting for the op start building up the muscle groups in the leg as much as possible with weight bearing excersises if comfortable. Outlook on rehab is a lot better this way.
Also best to set yourself a goal the otherside of rehab, cause motivation especially with the boring early excersises is hard to come by.
So glad i worked my backside off to get it back to normal. Shame I wasted 6 months waiting for the NHS (would pay private next time) however it gave me longer to strengthen muscles and try to play football without an ACL...bad idea.
I eventually had the hamtring reconstruction, i think patella is still the prefered choice in the US due to speed of getting players back into full training but can lead to pain when kneeling. But Im truely happy with the results. Just all work your arses off in the rehab phase :)
Im really scared that come my operation I wont be motivated enough to get myself to back what I used to be like. I really have nothing to aim for these days. I did have plans to start playing football again over the summer before I knackered my knee but now I really canny see myself doing it. As for basketball who knows what im going to do with that.

:( :(
I was really demotivated after I did my knee in... I'd just barely recovered from a hip break too, so it was a total kicker. Went through a bit of a bad patch all round really. But now, it's odd but I'm actually more motivated to exercise than I was before, I've got back into mountain biking in a way that I doubt I would have without the injury. I suppose I appreciate having legs that work in a way I never did before :D
When i read the thread title i was gonna post telling you to move the thread into the appropriate forum, until i realise ACL wasn't access control lists :D
Spent 3 hours today in hospital!!!

I signed a consent form, answered some questions and had 3 bloods taken.

Operation is now on 8th January, they wanted me to go in on the 7th and stay over night but the sergeon was having non of it.
Just back from the physio this morning 5 and a half months roughly post op.

Told the physio that I have been experiencing a grinding sensation and swelling for approximately the last 2 weeks in the knee which was operated on.

He is going to contact the consultant who will probably do another scan and possibly another minor op if anything is found.

Before the grinding etc I thought it was going well and had started to so some impact work without ill effect.

Anyway hopefully nothing too bad is found...
I made the decision last week that i want to work on my busted ACL.
Ive spent the last 5-6years miserable that i cant do sport, and i want to play football again.
So a mate at work with knowledge/experiance in all this is gonna write me a regime to stick to, and ive set myself a target that by October09 i want to be able to play a full 5-a-side game again.
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