Anyone else disappointed with progression of Car Interiors?

Since it's reopened, I have just got a brand new A-Class and interior plastics feel very cheap and not merc like at all, my previous Volvos plastics had a much more solid feel
I can't complain, love my interior!
I had a chat with a guy from bmw a few years ago when I applied for a job and asked him about the crap interior plastics nowadays and he explain a lot of them were due to safety. They're designed to deform or break with smooth edges in a crash to decrease the chances of injury. It just so happens that this property also often gives them the feel of cheapness.
It's all recyclable/recycled stuff made to a budget, which is much weaker. Many of the modern interior plastics are so easy to scratch and break it's silly. You have to be so careful when your moving and re-installing them :/
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More BS ..... they are cheaper because they have looked to reduce the cost.... materials and process have got better not worse....
It just seems that it's a strange place to reduce cost - somewhere so visible.

Every area gets cost reduced or very closely controlled to a budget.... Some OEMS put the priorities/budget in different places, Audi/VW more effort or cost into interior materials, Ford into Chassis dynamics etc, to suit the brand DNA.
All a set of compromises.....
More BS ..... they are cheaper because they have looked to reduce the cost.... materials and process have got better not worse....

So pre 2000s car manufacturers used to just spend as much money with no budget control and never looked to reduce costs?

There must be a reason, the term budgeting hasn't only come about recently. If they were looking to save money with interiors this would have happened in the 70s/80s not in the past 7-8 years. They are always and I bet always have been looking to save money
Not sure what your point is..... you think pre 2000 cars are better quality interior?
The cost of manufacture has become more sensitive over the years as competition has increased from the likes of China and low cost countries. Manufacturing methods and costs have improved and changed with technology that allows the same quality to be made cheaper.....
For sure there has always been budgets to meet, but the pressure on those budgets has increased.
Cars have much more technology and safety fitted, offsets to cover that cost increase has to be found by saving elsewhere or the price of a new car would have gone massively up....
Once interiors were all walnut and wrapped leather, now that is the preserve of very expensive luxury cars..... because it's very expensive to do.
Expensive cars have nice interiors and cheap cars have nasty interiors. So it has been and so it will continue.

And no, cost accounting and financial control in the motor trade is not a new invention.
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