Anyone else watched Final Space?

Was very impressed with the series and left me wanting more which is good.

I'd give a shout out to One Punch Man as well. It's silly but done well and I love the take on being a superhero. Also worth noting for anyone watches it that there are scenes after the credits of every episode (but one maybe)... which makes the "skip to next episode" thing when the credits come up as a very very badly judged move by Netflix. Frankly they should re-edit them for netflix/streaming and not have post credits scenes in every episode, it doesn't work on a non broadcast medium to do it like that.
He was too manic for me. There would be scenes with a sombre heavy mood, and The Gary would say or do something goofy, shouting at the top of his voice, completely undermining the tone of the scene.

Don't get me wrong, I really enjoyed the series, but The Gary was the one bit I didn't like. It was unfortunate he was the main character. Even Kevin was more likeable...
I'll admit that Gary annoyed me in the first couple of episodes, but the he grew over the series and the supporting characters were great.

Really looking forward to the next series
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