Can you still get N grades?? One above U i think ? Always made me laugh if someone got an N. "Nearly" passed
I always thought you were clever, they are awful grades. Still, some banter university will probably let you in.
43 for general studies?! I can't believe you actually turned up!
Maths, further maths, physics, chemistry. I think we know which one I'm dropping next year. Absolutely flunked it. Most of my college got U's on chemistry. I said to myself I would have been happy with a C as I have found it really hard. Pleased with my A's though. AS levels btw. First modules in all my subjects.
Hmm, your college did badly in chemistry as well? There's got to be something up if everybody got lower than expected...
Pft, please. They don't mark you on what you wrote on the paper. They use your answers to multiple choice questions to generate a random number, which they give you as a grade
Results follow a 'bell curve' pattern so regardless of overall marks the overall grade boundary would be dropped. It wasn't that hard. If I had put a lot more time and effort in I could have done better. I think everyone walks into chemistry thinking it will be the same as GCSE chemistry, which is a piece of ****. When in reality, this requires a lot more abstract thinking and lots of revision. The latter of which I did not do enough of.